Think im going to remove that long sticker on the swing arm


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I was successful in removing 1 of the 2 stickers just with patience and picking at the corner, it lifted up as a whole. The other sticker I made the mistake of taking off the plastic covering, and ended up using a heat gun to get the rest off. Goo gone took care of the remaining residue.
I would recommend letting it sit in the sun to warm up in order to help you pick the stickers off first.
I removed mine, sadly I scratched my swingarm a bit :( but its hardly noticeable.
no problem, just use a sharpie lol

Thats a good idea actually lol, I use to do that when I got rock chips on the front bumper of my old Cobalt SS lol
All stickers removed and we put a rectangular red reflector on the rear of the swing arm where the stickers had been. Looks just fine!

O_O I actually like warning stickers lmao. My friend gets mad when he plays my xbox 360 and the turn on sticker for the controller is still on after umm 3 years!
