Amber Alert Sign


New Member
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this here yet, but I was riding home on I-8 from the coast here in San Diego and noticed that the huge amber alert sign hanging over the freeway had on it: SHARE THE ROAD. LOOK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLISTS.

And now I've seen it a couple of times...very cool and nice to know someone is looking out for us...whether drivers actually read it or not. Has anyone else seen this?
Yeah, same thing up here in Redding (CA) and another just outside of Red Bluff on I-5. Nice to see it.
Yeah, I have see some good billboards alerting drivers to be aware of motorcyclists. Here are a few that I like.




those signs are out because its spring/summer starting and the bikes are coming out of hibernation.. it reminds drivers that its that time of year and to watch for bikes.
I started to have visions of Steve Martin's character in "L.A. Story" where he befriends, of all things, a SigAlert sign in LA... :)
