fastest you've had your fz6r

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Geeezzz ... some of you so touchy.

My squid comments were honestly a joke. ;) Obviously, the FZ6r community is a much more sensible bunch then the Gixxer crowd. I was in a funky state when I wrote the post. In fact, on that day I was in my cage going through a residential area with a 45mph limit and the traffic was pretty thick but moving nicely. Suddenly... zooooomm.. a dude in t-shirt/shorts and of course on his trusty Gixxer was zipping left and right threading his way through traffic with like 1 foot to spare on each flick. I think he was doing around 65-70mph. All it would have took was one car lightly tapping his break for this guy to be roadkill.

As a rider myself I was just peeved that this schmuck was making us sportsbike enthusiasts all look like phreaking idiots.

So when I see a thread like this... innocent in its intent as it might seem... I can see where it might egg some of you on to get up there and push it beyond your abilities just to say you did 100+. And let's be honest, speed in a straight line ain't fun. Twisties are fun.:thumbup:

And playing with speed on trackdays has NOTHING to do with what I'm talking about.
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I did that long before this thread started. I really dont ride like a squid but when the conditions are great sometimes the temptation is too much. Sorry but its true most of us do that every now and then. I'm just willing to admit it. No disrespect meant to anyone else.

Happy Riding!
I did that long before this thread started. I really dont ride like a squid but when the conditions are great sometimes the temptation is too much. Sorry but its true most of us do that every now and then. I'm just willing to admit it. No disrespect meant to anyone else.

Happy Riding!

I saw 134...which is about what I'd expect. Thanks for the vid.
Geeezzz ... some of you so touchy.

My squid comments were honestly a joke. ;) Obviously, the FZ6r community is a much more sensible bunch then the Gixxer crowd. I was in a funky state when I wrote the post. In fact, on that day I was in my cage going through a residential area with a 45mph limit and the traffic was pretty thick but moving nicely. Suddenly... zooooomm.. a dude in t-shirt/shorts and of course on his trusty Gixxer was zipping left and right threading his way through traffic with like 1 foot to spare on each flick. I think he was doing around 65-70mph. All it would have took was one car lightly tapping his break for this guy to be roadkill.

As a rider myself I was just peeved that this schmuck was making us sportsbike enthusiasts all look like phreaking idiots.

So when I see a thread like this... innocent in its intent as it might seem... I can see where it might egg some of you on to get up there and push it beyond your abilities just to say you did 100+. And let's be honest, speed in a straight line ain't fun. Twisties are fun.:thumbup:

And playing with speed on trackdays has NOTHING to do with what I'm talking about.


I get what your saying how though.. I wont lie I break speed laws but I only do so when I know its 100% safe and I can get away with it, I am not willing to put my life on the line for a little fun..
Its never 100% safe but like they teach you in the MSF Course, Minimize risk! haha
At 135mph risks are pretty high.
Its never 100% safe but like they teach you in the MSF Course, Minimize risk! haha
At 135mph risks are pretty high.

I'm not judging you or anything but, after having hit 2 deer in my car in the past 2 years on country roads, all I can think about while watching that video is that a stupid doe is going to pick the wrong time to cross the road...
Just came back from Floyd Bennett Field where a few friends took their cars to

drag race down runway 15/35 and I've learned that my 6R at least with me

on it it will top out @ 115 "per my gps" if i had an extra 500y maybe i could

have gotten to 120 but there is only so much road then a wall! It was fun and

now that i have gotten that out of my system i can enjoy the twisties on bear


Have fun & ride safe yall!
Speedometers are normally off by about 3-5% on most vehicles from factory, thats accepted range.

I don't know why, but I imagined the hitting a deer on a bike thing would be really rare, but obviously its the same odds as a car. Haha the first reaction is always "F&%K!"

Not to anger anyone, but I didn't buy the bike cause its the safest thing in the world, know what I mean? You're accepting a far greater level of risk simply by riding one as opposed to a car.
Speedometers are normally off by about 3-5% on most vehicles from factory, thats accepted range.

I don't know why, but I imagined the hitting a deer on a bike thing would be really rare, but obviously its the same odds as a car. Haha the first reaction is always "F&%K!"

Not to anger anyone, but I didn't buy the bike cause its the safest thing in the world, know what I mean? You're accepting a far greater level of risk simply by riding one as opposed to a car.

I don't ride much at night (dawn or dusk) so the risk is reduced for deer. Have been riding for many years and ALMOST hit or been hit by alot of things (mostly cars). I ride pretty conservative even though quite a bit is over posted limit but not by alot, about the same as cagers maybe little more. I went over 120mph just once and that was on this bike, cruisers I've owned maybe 105-110 and even though they were heavier didn't feel as stable at high speed.
before the sprocket swap i was hitting 135 on the red, im sure i could've hit 140 in it,

After the sprocket swap I am back to factory speeds and hitting just under 120 on the red.

70 is normal speed for me
before the sprocket swap i was hitting 135 on the red, im sure i could've hit 140 in it,

After the sprocket swap I am back to factory speeds and hitting just under 120 on the red.

70 is normal speed for me

i don't know if you could hit 140...i hit 136 yesterday downhill, fully tucked and in the red and i don't know if she had anymore in her. I'm 6 foot 180 maybe height and weight played a factor:don'tknow:
:thumbup:i had my bike for two months and have gotten it to 125 mph. waiting to upgrade exhaust and see what it will top out at. at 125 it was at 10000rpm in sixth. heres a video for ya.....

[ame=]YouTube - FZ6R Top Out[/ame]
what mods do you have though? I have a pcv, autotune, and high flow air filter...

i'm talking stock. this of course means that the speedo is being generous. So I guess if you had your stock sprocket on it shouldn't be all that hard, asssuming you don't hit a limiter.

the only "mod" i have is an FE Kit and Sliders hah.
5'10'' @ 165lbs, got her up to 130+mph...

there are several vids up on youtube!
this is one
[ame=]YouTube - Yamaha FZ6R Top Speed[/ame]
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