Helmet cleaning


New Member
Just wondering how do you guys clean your helmets?

I take the foam out and hand wash them and as for my visors use alcohol and a soft cloth that came with my iPhone!


Staff member
I don't like to take the foam out, because over time, they will lose their shape and won't fit properly. Also, they can go it slightly different and change the fit as well. I have heard people use like a 10-20% alcohol/water solution and just spritz it in the helmet. I guess Febreeze would work as well.


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Ok i will try this on my other helmets to see how it works!


New Member
Febreeze on the inside and Plexus on the outside. Never had a problem.


New Member
Does washing your helmet make you go faster? Just kidding i just take my visor off from time to time to get al the bugs off adnwipe the helmet down with lucasol and im ready to go... as for the inside.... just give it a good shaking it'll straighten out!


New Member
I kind of like the funk it reminds me of the old football days...just kidding:D


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Plxus (spelling?) on the outside and Lysol on the inside :thumbup:


New Member
Remove visor, wipe outside of helmet with wet/soapy(car wash soap) cloth , Febreze inside, soap and water on the visor, Works 4 me.


New Member
Any of you guys keep secondary helmets while the first is drying after "washing" it?

My helmet is starting to....not smell ..."fresh". lol

I'm going to either a: stop riding until after I wash it and let it dry. OR B: buy another helmet while I'm letting the other dry.

So far, I'm still riding, and dont want to stop for even a day. :thumbup:


Staff member
Any of you guys keep secondary helmets while the first is drying after "washing" it?

My helmet is starting to....not smell ..."fresh". lol

I'm going to either a: stop riding until after I wash it and let it dry. OR B: buy another helmet while I'm letting the other dry.

So far, I'm still riding, and dont want to stop for even a day. :thumbup:

Don't soak the lining. Just spritz the inside lightly with febreeze. It will dry in a matter of hours (overnight is perfect).


New Member
I have pulled the liner to make sure the snaps are in place and to know my equipment. The foam/liner is a synthetic substance and I feel you could soak and rinse these with no problem. To dry just blot them well with a towel and air dry, or low temp hair dryer, clothes dryer......etc. No rocket science here......my $0.02.


New Member
i can't figure out how to clean the inside of the visor without it leaving dust particles or being completely streak free... :(

even lint-free cloths still leave some dust particles. in the sunlight these get magnified like mad... :lol:

any pointers?


New Member
i can't figure out how to clean the inside of the visor without it leaving dust particles or being completely streak free... :(

even lint-free cloths still leave some dust particles. in the sunlight these get magnified like mad... :lol:

any pointers?

we use kimwipes for cleaning laboratory lenses. give it a try...

it doesn't look really soft but it won't scratch any surface ;P


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we use kimwipes for cleaning laboratory lenses. give it a try...

it doesn't look really soft but it won't scratch any surface ;P

I sneak a box or two home from the laboratory every now and again...;) Kimwipes are what I use as well, even use them on my glasses without the worry of scratching them.


New Member
I just use Windex and a paper towel. Spray the Windex on the towel first so that it is just kinda dmap and then wipe down the entire outside of the helmet, visor and all. Leaves no streaks or bugs. It also helps that I clean my helmet after every ride so that bugs and the like don't really get a chance to dry on it too badly. Then I store it with the visor open so that it can air out...helps it go longer before getting funky.
