You nearly get hit in traffic so you treat yourself to an expensive European beer


New Member
I nearly got hit on the way to work, I nearly got hit on the way home.
I went to get a drink, there was a selection of German beers so I thought I'd spend some extra because I nearly died. So I get my German beer, I'm plonked on my chair at home, then as I'm bringing the bottle to my lips, I see the words "Alkoholfrei". WTF baaa haaa waaaaa the world finally got to me (again), waaaaaa.
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Got'em Coach!


New Member
hahaha oh man that sucks. I studied abroad in Germany, and after the first day some of the students an I went shopping, we sat down to have a beer, and 3/4ths of the beer one of the students bought were alcohol free. He was so bummed. He never forgot to check after that though.


New Member
I was in a place called the Belgian Beer Cafe on Friday night... ( read over priced pub)

I asked for 2 Leffè blonde beers..

would you like pints asked the bar maid?

Yes please..

2 glasses arrived that will be $34.20!

HOW F**king MUCH?

Drink them slowly was her reply!

good gear tho but alot cheaper in Beguim!
