Yellow FZ6R for sale in South Florida


New Member
Hello everyone. I have a 2009 FZ6R in Yellow for sale in Hollywood Florida. The bike has just under 4,000 miles on it and has been serviced by the local dealer. There are two modifications. The first is the addition of Stainless braided brake lines for the front only. The lines are black to match the bike. The second addition is a Powerlet outlet on the fairing so you can plug in a phone, music player or GPS. There is also a Ram Mount ball on the bar clamps as well.

The bike is in very good shape. No issues at all. In fact I really like it. I bought it to ride with friends in the NC mountains but life changes with the other folks in my group mean the bike is not getting used as it should. I keep it in perfect condtion, always clean, chain well lubed, no rust, inside kept, etc. Just not using it much. I am asking $5,000.00 If your interested please get me through this site or Email me at [email protected].

