Woke up to the sounds of paramedics


New Member
I was traveling from a work location back to my office on Tuesday morning at 8:45am. I had just merged onto I-880 here in the Bay Area. Union City for those of you familiar to the area. This part of the freeway has 5 lanes, with the far left lane being a carpool lane. I merged to the carpool lane and fell in behind a white car. She was traveling pretty slow, so I changed 1 lane to my right. I remember throttling up to pass so I could merge back into the carpool lane. The next thing I remember was waking up to the sounds of the paramedics working on me. I was rushed to the trauma center and spent the next 36 hours or so getting poked and prodded, x-rays and CAT scans. A CHP officer paid me a visit to ask what I remembered. I told him I remember a white car and a dark car, and that was it. He let me know, still waiting for the police report, the woman driving the white car changed lanes and hit me, sending me out of control into the back of a black SUV. Interesting that I even remembered the dark car. Speeds were about 65mph, the posted speed limit.

As for me, I was wearing full gear. Scorpions helmet, over pants, and jacket, Streets & Steel gloves, Sidi boots. result, no broken bones, no road rash. I suffered a concussion, bruised brain, extremely bruised right shoulder, limited movement at this time. Stiff and sore neck, and headaches that have not gone away since I regained consciousness. Spent all day yesterday seeing doctors. Because I was traveling from a work location back to My office, HR stepped in and claimed the accident as worker's comp. Not sure how this will play out.

As for the 6R, went to the impound yard yesterday and had AAA meet me there to tow it to Yamaha. All the damage is on the right side. The front wheel is pushed back and the handlebars turn without moving the forks. You can see in the pic that the handlebars are turned to the left, but the front tire is straight. Frame slider on the right is gone. Not sure if it broke off or ground down to nothing. Yamaha will do an estimate as insurance companies don't have adjusters that know the costs of repairing bikes. Something new I learned.

As for the gear,Boots, pants, backpack all cut off by paramedics. Jacket torn. Helmet, well, you can see for yourself. Bottom line, all the gear did what its designed to do. I would not be in the shape I'm in if I wasn't wearing everything.

Special thanks to all of the first responders, doctors, nurses, and mostly to my wife.


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Sorry to hear. Luckily nothing is broken, but that is still a long list of pain.
Glad to hear you were geared up, those pictures of the helmets really show a 'what could have been.'
Wow scary stuff, glad in the end your alright for what could of happened specially at that speed. Bet the wife doesn't want you on a bike again ha

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Wow! It's amazing how things can change in just a fraction of a second. I am glad to hear that you have no broken bones or rash, but the bruised and tender areas will take a while to heal. Best wishes on your way to recovery. Keep us updated on your progress and what Yamaha says the damage to the bike is.
Wow crashing at 65mph and no broken bones? Seriously thats really lucky. Great to hear all the gear did its job, and that you were wearing all of it.
My friend im glad your okay, sorry to hear about what happened. I hope that ladie learned her leasson and starts looking over her shoulder. Get in contact with me if you need to and i hope everything works out great for you.
This morning I was just cruising at like 5 mph in the left most lane in 3 lanes of traffic through downtown and this stupid kid in an overly jacked up truck directly to the right of me decided he wanted my lane. No blinker no wave, just came right over and if I hadn't be all over it he would have plowed right over me. His back tire was like a foot from my rear pegs when I swerved way out onto the left shoulder and flogged it to get around him. (seriously considered waving him the old California howdy but I resisted...) Sorta makes me want one of those air horns for my bike.

So i had been sorta pissed about it all morning but now that really seems like nothing compared to your story. I am glad to hear that you are okay man. Hope you recover quickly and get back on the road soon. We all go down, its just a matter of time.
Dang man thats crazy stuff. Get well man.

Hello my real name is Adam.
Good on ya for going ATGATT... I'd hate to see what you'd look like *without* the full face lid...

Speedy recovery... everything else is peripheral...

Any word on the woman that hit you? (response? did she stop? doing any penitence...?)
Sorry about the accident, but good to hear that you survived & are doing ok. Speedy recovery man! :)

Similar thing happened to 2 acquaintances recently. One guy had gear. One was in shorts n t shirt. Believe me when i say that u don't want to see the pics the latter one posted on FB. Luckily, he survived and can tell about it. Both cases were lady drivers suddenly moving into or out of the carpool lane without signaling. x_X
Good on ya for going ATGATT... I'd hate to see what you'd look like *without* the full face lid...

Speedy recovery... everything else is peripheral...

Any word on the woman that hit you? (response? did she stop? doing any penitence...?)

Haven't received the police report yet, but if the information I was given was correct. She reported that she never saw me. I feel a little for her, she is elderly and probable drove away after talking with the highway patrol not knowing if I lived or not.
