Willow Springs Track Day


New Member
I had a wonderful day at Willow Springs Raceway today. Mrs. Hellgate and I got to meet DefyInertia, OSO2K and his wonderfully gracious fiance, Cali Rider, RSW81 and Wavex. DI, Wavex and I rode, everyone else was the best pit crew a rider could have, thank you all so much for making this a great trip. Your help and friendship made the 1550 mile drive worth every mile. :thumbup:

Cali and his un-named photo help too some great stills. rsw81 and OSO2K to some video and I think I have some killer Go Pro on bike video, crashes, run-offs and more (no I didn't crash or run-off, just those around me). :thumbup:

I'll let everyone else tell their stories themselves.

I spent the morning figuring out one of the fastest tracks I've ever ridden on. My scale is smaller tracks with many corners, WS is WFO, 125 into sweepers that go, and go, and go, and go, and go...well you get the idea. By the afternoon I'd figured most of the track out but was still struggling with turns 8, 8a and 1. Turn one I was approaching at 155. The scale of the speed was just amazing. Usually I'll hit 115, 120 at my local track.

By the end of the day I was running very fast and I was very happy with the progress I made. I need a few more track days to adjust to the speed.

Very fun and thanks again for the help everyone! :D

Oh..tomorrow we drive from Fontana CA to Phoenix AZ, about 500 miles. We'll stay with my best childhood friend (races a Duc 900SS), my Aunt and one of my best friends from university. Then to El Paso to see friends there and finally to Austin. I love road trips!

Cali rider

New Member
The best day I've ever spent at a track WITHOUT riding!

Lots of stories to tell and images to share. Both will have to wait til tomorrow, it's been a long day. Huge thank you to oso2k and his fiance for the hospitality, which set the tone for the past 24 hours. They went out of their way to make us feel like close family, it was truly special.

I wish I could have ridden today, but I'll be back on the track soon.


New Member



This was one of my favorite days on a bike in SoCal so far and it was great to meet more of the guys. Keep me posted on future track days.:cheer:
