Why rent a truck when you have a motorycle


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I've seen this live in South Korea many times. They would stack boxes on back of bikes over 15 feet high and ride around easily. This is normal in Asia.
I've seen this live in South Korea many times. They would stack boxes on back of bikes over 15 feet high and ride around easily. This is normal in Asia.

+1! Totally normal and everyday sight in Asia, but still impressive every time you see it. I lived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam working on a project in 2010 and I go back to visit a couple times each year...every day you see guys skillfully navigating the insane motorbike traffic with the wildest things on their scooters...impossibily large items like appliances, construction materials, 10-12 five gallon water bottles at once...anything imaginable...even a whole family of 5 on one 50-110cc scooter...very impressive. I love it...that's actually where I fell in love with two wheeled transportation.

bet it handles like its on rails!
