What to do before a trip


New Member
Now I know I am not taking a 1000 mile trip, its only 3 hours, same as I've done before...but i wanted to know if there was a checklist of little things to check as im leaving my comfort zone and if something happens, no one will be there to help me.

There is things like air pressure (what should it be at) and I just got my oil changed so im good there....anything else?
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Like Martin said, lube the chain or at least take some with you. I'd suggest also taking water and a snack for the chance your not somewhere there is a station and need a water break or need some food to keep your energy up even though it's not a long long ride.

My gear smell like someone throw me in a fish tank... stink like fish! I order a new mesh jacket and helmet. I'm still trying to save the pants.

Hey Marthy, my buddy suggested putting your gear in an airtight container (rubbermaid) and putting a box of baking soda in there and it should suck the stench right out. That or just wash it ;) :iconbeer:
Good enough for a 3 hrs trip... Pack some raining gear and do your riding before 3:00 pm:D Is it crazy here this summer or it's just me? It's raining every day in the afternoon! Getting tired of behind soaking wet!:( on my way back from work... I got rain on last weekend on my way back from MIA...until Lake Worth. My gear smell like someone throw me in a fish tank... stink like fish! I order a new mesh jacket and helmet. I'm still trying to save the pants. At least there far away from my nose...lol

Chain lube... add some as you go if it rain...

Be glad you're getting rain my man. I know it makes riding a lot less pleasant and all, but other than the little bit of splash we got from the tropical storm, I haven't had rain in over 3 weeks now. Everything is starting to die.
I try to keep my tank bag full of all the things might need in zip lock bags, and also a small list on paper in it, so I can double check to ensure the items i remove after a ride get put back in.
example, take couple wash clothes that usually end up dirty from sweat, cleaning bugs on shield
small pill bottle with few aspirin, tylenol, allergy meds etc.
extra set ear plugs
make sure cell is fully charged
usually buy drinks/snacks but still keep at least 1 bottle water and a energy bar (clif is my fav) because if you break down it could be a while before help arrives.
stretch out a little to loosen up
i wear padded cycle shorts for longer rides and usually remember but again list makes sure not to forget before i'm about ready and have to go back inside, take off boots and throw em on...
esp in summer i note to lube up back of neck with sunscreen as have been gone for hours before and came back sorely red

if you're going on a longer weekend trip, you can customize this list to be helpful organizing things
Motorcycle Trip Checklist
I cleaned them 3 time in a row, one more time today. I just add a bit of bleach (in a lot of water) to try to kill the whatever bacteria... let see if it work. The funny thing is I had rain gears on... don't get it! I have new gears in the mail box... just trying to save those... for a rainy day:D

Damn, you got drenched pretty bad. I'm surprised mine don't smell worse from sweat/rain. But maybe try the baking soda trick, idk if it works but hey it's worth a try if you've washed them that much.

New gear is always fun :D
Bottle of lube,(for the chain:rolleyes:), a small hand towel, a bottle of agua, and something for munching. You already have a tool kit, but rain gear is a good idea, or if too much stuff and not enough luggage, get wet and when you get there hang your stuff up to dry.

Oh, and enjoy the ride.
Thank you everyone! I was either reminded of something I knew to do and forgot or you gave me something knew to add. I have a liner for my jacket, thats about as much "rain gear" as I got...but I plan on tossing my duffle bag that im strapping to the bike in a trash bag first and since I'll be on the train for a bit, ill have some snacks and stuff in there. Tool kit and hand towel are always in the bike and I need to remember to grab the ground puck thing for the kick stand as gravel seems to be common for drive ways and things up north. I also plan on packing the lube, I don't like to ride through rain then not lube her up

Marty, lucky for me I have to be up there by 2pm so I'll hopefully miss allll the rain. I agree, its been crappy lately, i left work wed to try and beat the rain, got SOAKED and it took me 4 hours to fix my ipod due to water damage. haha....disliking this time of year! lol
If I think I may run into rain I put my wallet, cell phone, garage door opener, and hearing aid in separate plastic zip lock bags. Bring a good credit card and more cash than you think you need.
Have fun,
Three things are critical (from a guy that has completed three Iron Butt Rallies, two gold, one silver):

a) credit card (Visa or Mastercard)
b) cell phone
c) towing coverage (AAA, AMA, whatever, some coverage that will pick you up when you can't go on)

With those three things, and a reliable bike, I can go anywhere.

And have.

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Really *grn? 3 hour trip?
For a 3 hour trip your over thinking things... Aaaaaa don't forget your wallet, you'll need money for gas

Clearly you didnt read :) 3 hour trip yes...short yes...however 3 hours to the train then 3 hours to the ferry is going to put me in NJ...if something happens, I have NO one so...I want to make sure I got things that I need and the rain doesnt ruin something imporatnt like my clothes and cell phone :)
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Thank you everyone! I was either reminded of something I knew to do and forgot or you gave me something knew to add. I have a liner for my jacket, thats about as much "rain gear" as I got...but I plan on tossing my duffle bag that im strapping to the bike in a trash bag first and since I'll be on the train for a bit, ill have some snacks and stuff in there. Tool kit and hand towel are always in the bike and I need to remember to grab the ground puck thing for the kick stand as gravel seems to be common for drive ways and things up north. I also plan on packing the lube, I don't like to ride through rain then not lube her up

Marty, lucky for me I have to be up there by 2pm so I'll hopefully miss allll the rain. I agree, its been crappy lately, i left work wed to try and beat the rain, got SOAKED and it took me 4 hours to fix my ipod due to water damage. haha....disliking this time of year! lol

sorry, mind in gutter

On the train--

Make sure you watch the workers load and tie down your bike. They are not as careful as we are. Please follow through with a review on the train ride. Good luck and ride safe.
