Trip to Apache Junction and Globe, AZ


New Member
Started in Tucson AZ this morning at about 9ish.

That's the route for the most part, i added about 40 miles of stops and such.

The majority of the first leg up to Apache was boring, straight two lane road, traffic held a nice speed of about 80 so i made good time. Being that ahead of schedule at about 11ish. We had planned to meet at Noon so i stopped at a pull off a few minutes outside of apache. Silly Mountain 114 mi so far.

After that it was on to inNout for lunch and to meet Mr. Citrus.

I was starving so that made lunch taste amazing. We left at around 1230 to head East towards Globe.
Superior was the first town we hit coming out of Apache.
They had a trucker sleeping area right next to what looked like a private airport so we stopped and took some pictures.

Next was going through the canyon which was probably the best roads and most scenic area I've been on yet. we went through a town called on top of the world, which was ironic b/c it was in a valley and not on top of the world in any way shape or form. Next was Miami a small mining town just outside of globe it was a pretty cool looking town. They're were mining the rock of the actual mountains. Wikipedia says they use to mine copper, but most of the mines are dormant now.

All that was left after that was globe, and i was kind of disappointed because there wasn't much to globe. We both had thought there was more. We rode through their historic district which was cool, but couldn't have been a mile long.Wikipedia says Globe is a dormant mining town as well. After that we stopped at a Safe-way and talked for a good half and hour, shortly after that I made the turn south and he headed back west to Apache.
All in all it was the best time i've had on my bike yet. Meeting and riding with Mr. Citrus was the main point of the ride and the best part but was unfortunately only a small portion of it.
I got home right at about 530pm So a total of 8 hours and roughly about 6 hours seat time. Longest and most enjoyed ride yet. :thumbup:
