this little guys rides better...

hahaha i wonder who thought that "giving a pocket bike to a monkey might be a good idea"

very talented little rossi :thumbup:
Even stopped for traffic and waited till it was clear! Awesome!!
anybody notice he had a lead around his neck and the dude was pulling him?
at the start but did he have it when he took off and came back? regardless it is still impressive.
And somebody questions evolution..... Next year he'll be on a chopper....

Very cool..
Dancing bears, maybe... I wonder how much torture the poor little animal had to endure in order to get him to do this.
Dancing bears, maybe... I wonder how much torture the poor little animal had to endure in order to get him to do this.

Depending on the animals relationship with the trainer he/she may actually find great enjoyment in riding that motorcycle. This in effect is no different than the owner of a domestic dog throwing a ball for the chase and retrieve.

Try "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts and Stephen Tukel Mills. You'll be amazed....
Dancing bears, maybe... I wonder how much torture the poor little animal had to endure in order to get him to do this.

if i were a monkey i would want to ride a tiny motorcycle. sure beats tossing poo around...
