T Rex frame slider issue


New Member
Good day,

So I have had my frame sliders on for a while now. But about a month ago I notice on the left side (sitting on the bike) that the slider comes loose from time to time. Now i should say the slider from the bracket. So it is not the bolt that goes to engine but the bolt that goes from the slider to the bracket. I have to tighten it once in a while and it still feels a little loose some times. What have I done wrong? The other side is perfect, it's tight and has never come loose. Possible wrog bolt? Though I used the bolt that came with the kit. Just a little concerned that I may have done something wrong. Any ideas and of course any help is always welcomed. Thanks for reading,



New Member
You may want to use some thread locking compound on that bolt. It can be purchased at any local auto store and did the trick for me on my TRex slider bolts. Just make sure you put a little on the threads and torque the bolt to what the manufacturer specs and you should be good to go! :thumbup:


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
It would be best to use Blue Loctite, so that if you have to replace a slider, you can get it apart.
Yup, I use the blue stuff for all my loctite needs! :thumbup:
