Stupid bugs!


New Member
Everytime I go riding, right when I start out I end up hitting a few bugs and they make a mess of my face shield. Then I have to ride around with a gross helmet and if I try to wipe them....they smear (sick!). How does everyone else handle bug splatters? I can imagine how bad it would be without wearing a helmet.


just deal with it untill you stop . then when you take you helmet off just clean it with a little water or glass cleaner of somekind and a rag .myself you a small bottle of eyeglass cleaner it fits in my tail bag and go to your local autoparts store and by a small detailing towl and you will be good


New Member
I clean it throughout the day at gas stations...usually with spit. Once I get home, I soak a paper towel w/ warm water and drape it across the sheild, pat it down so it's firmly against the surface, and then wipe away after letting it sit for 10 minutes. Works really well.


New Member
I was driving through the canyon on Sunday and a flying rhinoceros hit me in the neck. the 2 1/2 inches of skin visible and the biggest bug I have ever seen hit's me just in the right spot. What are the odds...

I'm thinking of putting something in my backpack though. My jacket looks like it's been crapped on a few times from so many bug guts exploding on me.


New Member
you can get those clear shield that the racers use and peel them off as you go lol..


New Member
That's riding . once in awhile ya wipe it off is all you can do. I hit a june bug smack in the forehead when not wearing a helmet and almost knocked me out. Glad I wear a helmet these days LOL.


New Member
It's awesome (sarcasm) when they're so big that it seems to push your head back for a split second.


Anyone know whats the last thing that goes through a bugs head before it hits your faceshield????

Its A$$



I am amazed at how many dead mosquitos and black flies end up on my face shield. Little blighters always fly up in my helmet at stops and then start biting me at 60mph when I cant do anything about it. I cant fathom why anyone would want to ride around with all those bugs actually stuck on their face instead of a shield. You know you're getting good when you actually make eye contact with the June bug and duck out of the way before he splats. The thing I cant figure out is how they know exactly where the center of your eyeballs are so that they can impact for optimal disruption of vision. It's uncanny.

Bug splats and riding in new there any other way?


I keep a microfiber cloth in my pack. Get it slightly wet and it does a marvelous job at cleaning the shield.


I like it when I hit lightning bugs cuz there guts keep glowing for a little bit :Flash:

EDIT: you guys need to go ride down in Florida while the love bugs are is season. At first you think it's starting to rain or something...and then you realize, nope it's just a ton of bugs...haha

Guitar Man

Bugs are just part of riding. I accept it for what it is. A couple of month ago I took some kind of big bug to the neck. Left a large red welt and a small cut/scratch. I had to slow down and deal with the pain for a couple of minuets.

On another note. On easter a bird took my left mirror off. It was like someone knocked it off with a baseball bat. The mirror hit me in the shoulder like someone full on punched me. Good thing it was a good jacket with armor where it hit. I couldn't imagine one of the tee shirt clad cruiser riders being hit like that.

I'll take the bugs any day.


I'll take the bugs any day.
Try riding Antelope Island in Salt Lake. 2 mile stretch of road that connects the island to the shore. Speed limit 55.
I rode 1 mile before I could not see anymore. I pulled over, hurriedly cleaned the visor (bugs were killing me), and kept riding. By the time I got to the end, I had to ride less than 30 mph because I could not see. The visor was COMPLETELY covered. I should have taken a picture.

Red Wazp

Go to a beauty supply store and get a small squirt bottle for a buck. I carry one with water and a few soft t shirt cut into 4" squares. Makes for easy cleaning at each stop.
Don't try to rub them off with your glove, they just smear and it's worse.
During yellow jacket season I wear a half turttle nech shirt under my jacket, better to sweat than getting stung multiple time befor you can stop and fish them out of your shirt.
Best part about cold weather riding-no bugs!

Nick J

PLEXUS and a microfiber cloth. It'll make your faceshield look like new. And it smells lemony fresh.


micro fibre cloth in tail bag. water bottle. squirt then wipe. then have a nice drink from aforementioned water bottle.



bugs... i just try to ride up in the mountains alot durring the spring.. this way its too cold for most bugs ...
