So...I joined the true bikers club yesterday


New Member
Had my first down yesterday :(

Heading up Macquarie Pass (a really nice bit of road - switch backs and hair pins on the mountain).

Came up to a tight hair pin with a rather retarded gradient - goes up about 3 meters in the space of 2...very steep and uneven.

Coming off the back of some beautiful follow throughs this bastard gets me. Due to the uneven surface the front decided to skip out on me and down i went.

Sliders saved my bike! Love those things! lost the pillion peg and the rider peg is basically useless. Stand is apparently a bit wonky as well! Might have a bent shifter as well but will find out when i go pick my bike up.

Hobbled away with very minor injuries, no blood was shed! Just got a fat ankle for the next few days and crutches..oh how i hate crutches!

Here be a few pics taken by one of the guys i was riding with.


I had a quick trip to the hospital as i couldn't walk at the time, bike was towed but i'm picking it up tomorrow with a box trailer.

really REALLY grateful i came out as well as i did! I'll be back out there in the next few weeks...gotta wait for parts -.-

Already ordered new pegs, bar ends and sliders. :D
damn, you got lucky on that one. good thing you didn't get nailed or anything.

Hope you have a nice speedy recovery.
Cheers guys.

Been getting plenty of well wishes...along with everyone caring about the bike damage more than my injuries! haha

"omg what happened?"
oh yeah hurt my foot blah blah blah
"OH SHIT - how's the bike?"

glad your okay. That had to be scary not being able to walk.
Yeah - way it felt...well loose...was rather unsettling.

then shock kicked in and things went crazy!

but all good! still on crutches but on the mend - i can put pressure on the ankle now but its still swollen and painful.

RE: boots i was wearing: Boots

I haven't got bike bots as yet - still doing my evaluations as i commute and would like something i can work in without having to take a pair of boots in the backpack.
sorry about the mishap, but glad to hear you're ok... damage to the bike doesn't look bad either. rest up that ankle and make a speedy recovery :)

definitely consider getting hardshell riding boots and wear them every time you ride. just bring a pair of walking shoes in your backpack and put the boots in there when you've arrived at your destination. also, the 6r's top heaviness does make it more difficult to recover from in an angled hairpin turn skid. my advice is to try to approach twisties with the mentality of "going as smoothly as possible without having to use your brakes at all," if possible.

reason-being, if you're braking at some of these turns, then you're possibly going too fast or entering them too hot. a good canyon pace is one such that from start to end your engine speed is in-line with your comfort level of control, and you rarely have to touch the brakes- regardless whether it's a straight section or a section full of turns. whenever i get to banked hairpin sections, i simply slow WAY down until i get to a speed i feel safe. :)
Well i FELT i was in control the whole way - was loving it...i was going quick for myself - my mates on the bandit 1250 and triumph speed triple left me for dead...but i guess being unfamiliar with the road i was pushing too hard.

up till that point i could feel i had more in me but was happy going along as i was...just came unstuck! bastard corner hahaha!

I'll be back on my feet well before my parts arrive...ebay be slow with delivery -.-
Further news ensues!

Doctor from the hospital called me to tell me to go to my GP and organise a CT scan as further viewing of my xrays showed abnormalities.

CT scans showed multiple fractures in my Talus bone!

I am now half cyborg!

I've also gotten my bike back and have included some better shots of the damage. For those of you sitting on the fence about sliders...GET OFF AND GO BUY SOME!

Seriously...I'm worse off than my bike is!



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    ankle (1).jpg
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So were you thrown from the bike also? I'm trying to figure out how the right side of your helmet has damage but the left side of the bike has damage? Or is that helmet picture flipped?

Edit: really big picture
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Bike went down on the left and I rolled over the top of it.

My legs were on top of my bike with my arse just past the back wheel.
Ouch. Were u wearing lower body armor? That should also be top on the list. Boots, shin/ knee guards, armored shorts if u r wearing riding jeans.

Bike-wise, frame sliders are absolutely a good idea. But, for those of us who've battle tested them, the reality is that they are not full proof. I've had one pop clean off on a stopped tip over, and 1/2 the screw left broken in the socket. Had to replace the entire right fairing. But what can u do? Other times, they did do their job... It really depends on luck sometimes of how the bike falls, unfortunately. :/
I have the kevlar reinforced draggin jeans.

and the boots i was wearing were linked in an earlier post. I'll be getting some hard shell boots during my recovery period along with a new helmet :D

I hope the Talus knits up well and starts feeling strong again soon.

It gets hairy going downhill on MacQuarie Pass, especially when its a bit damp in the shade and moss on the outside of some turns.

I saw a rider have a slow speed off into the ditch there once, as soon as he gets his bike out dirt track style he says "Don't tell <wife's name>".
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