Should I go riding?? need some advice


New Member
i wanted to go riding today but the wind is gonna be about 25 mph and even more in the canyons
the few times ive bin stuck in these kinds of winds have left some oh s#!% moments from when going through a corner and all of a sudden a gust comes throws me off my line and force me to lean more which is nerve racking to say the least, but i havnt bin canyon riding in almost a month so im stuck.

any advice on either yay or nay?
yes, go. just take it easy until you know how bad the winds are
Probably good practice... keep your arms loose so you can provide quick inputs in response to the wind. At least that's what I read you're supposed to do. :D
Wait these damn winds out and be safe. I rode to school the other day and my neck still hurts from being tense and on edge from the winds. Yes I know you should relax and go with the flow but it is still unsettling to get pushed around out of no where. Don't worry our sunny winter and no wind days are coming.
But if you decide to go ride safe.
Wait untill the winds subside..

If you ask the question, you should not ride. If you are not relaxed then trouble may find you. I read where you have been having the bad santa anas. You folks in Ca. have 11 months of riding. What is the hurry??
Just you questioning if you should is your own warning to yourself not to go. To want to go riding is not a matter of life and death but riding on a bad day can be. Better to be safe and ride again on a good day.

thanks for the advice everybody
SOOOOOO i ended up going and had some fun until i ran into some black ice :mad: but all good just got a little sideways but kept her up (she bucked pretty hard once the rear caught), almost crapped myself though lol
the wind wasnt to bad actually, hardly even noticed it in fact.

so all in all it was a good riding day and got home safe :D

Just you questioning if you should is your own warning to yourself not to go. To want to go riding is not a matter of life and death but riding on a bad day can be. Better to be safe and ride again on a good day.

i get what your saying but every time i get on my bike i question going because i always imagine going down or getting taken out by a cage. to many close calls from my daily commuting i guess.
and ive seen to many people go down in my short time of riding :(
