Self Claim

broke back mountain
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you know...that show
is really actually very good
it had alot of episodes though
so it took us a really long time
to finish the show
so far we have 42 minutes left of the final episode
but we paused it so brooke could make mac n cheese and I could post whore
the noodles are almost done
Im going to run and potty quick...all this water running through
oh man this mac n cheese is num
you guys ever try shasta?
oh no the island is collapsing and the plane hasnt taken off
Wow she made alot of mac n cheese im stuffed
damn shasta cola taste good
sheesh this is only my 3366th post....
yeah lost got pretty weird. the last episode is like a buncha code. wtf
So I cant wait to go riding tomorrow
4 days of rain

and tomorrow will finally be sunny
