Possible move to SoCal

Yep. The girls here are a breed of their own too tho. They're all normal until they move to CA. lol...

That's okay with me. I'm a very happliy married man and only window shop at this point.
JT - you have 4 kids? You need another hobby!!!! ;)

Thanks for all the input. It sounds like anywhere else one could live. If you completely hated it, you probably wouldn't live there, but there are pros and cons for everywhere. We like Richmond a lot - but there are some big drawbacks here. Mostly cultural, but we really don't want to give up access to good schools. I have to work with my employer to see what the job will entail, and what the finances will be, but given the right salary, we could "improve" our situation, even with the change in cost of living. I'm not interested in dragging my family all the way across the country for a "lateral" move.
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we complain

we may have given you the wrong impression. Yes there are drawbacks to anyplace you live. But overall So cal is the best place in the country. thats why real estate is higher and so are taxes. However as my friend from PA said, people are just more laid back and easy going in CA. Most likely because they dont have to deal with snow or humidity. If you have a chance to move, even if its lateral financially you should absolutly do it, especially if you have kids.
rancho upland and claremont are all great cities you cant go wrong and there school districts are better than some of the other cities avoid fontana because there school system sucks i would know bc ive lived in the area since i was a kid and it all depends on your price range of what you can afford if your getting a house
we may have given you the wrong impression. Yes there are drawbacks to anyplace you live. But overall So cal is the best place in the country. thats why real estate is higher and so are taxes. However as my friend from PA said, people are just more laid back and easy going in CA. Most likely because they dont have to deal with snow or humidity. If you have a chance to move, even if its lateral financially you should absolutly do it, especially if you have kids.

Thanks Tony. Regarding the last statement - why is SoCal so great "especially if you have kids."? Please expand on this.

Here is part of our thought process. Where we live right now, it's like 90% white. We are white. But the wife and I are FIRM believers in raising well rounded kids who are exposed to what life has to offer. Part of that is interaction with people of varying backgrounds - economic, cultural, racial, nationality, language, etc. Heck, the wife and I met while on a study abroad program in Russia while we were in college. We could see improving our kids exposure to those things in SoCal, compared to where we are today.

But we are concerned about gang activity - it exists here, but I don't think it is as strong here as in LA. Is that something that I have to worry about on a daily basis in the Claremont/Upland/Rancho Cucamonga school system? Does it bleed into those communities?
the gangs from la dont really bleed into these towns, but there are "gangs" in any part of this country, but its more like teens that try to act tough in this area. but realistically you really dont have to worry about it here i went to school in rancho so most of the gangs is usually some kids that act tough rancho pd cracks down on that kind of stuff
the gangs from la dont really bleed into these towns, but there are "gangs" in any part of this country, but its more like teens that try to act tough in this area. but realistically you really dont have to worry about it here i went to school in rancho so most of the gangs is usually some kids that act tough rancho pd cracks down on that kind of stuff

Yeah - we have that too. Good to know - thanks.

Gangs are not really a problem here. that stuff mostly resides downtown.

The reason I said especially if you have kids is because kids should be and love being outdoors. Here you can be outside playing id say at least 300 days of the year, and that's because im from here. If your from there and come here that number is probably more like 365 :)

it certainly does offer that multi cultural thing too. My girl goes to a school that's split pretty even 1/3 white 1/3 hispanic 1/3 other. I say bring them all that's how America was founded, I just ask you learn English which doesnt seem like too much to ask and obey the law.
