Please Help...Wheelies


New Member
You can get the wheel to come up at much lower rpm if you go about 10-15 in 1st then accelerate hard then at about 4-5k just pop the cluck( when i say pop it i mean very quickly pull it in and let it out like a quick flick.

The front will pop up just start from there, either accelerate harder to get it higher or less for lower.

Once you have pop the clutch and the front comes up you need to roll on the throttle to make it stay up more throttle will make it go higher.

Always cover the rear brake and keep the front straight when you drop it back down also give it a bit of throttle right before it hits the ground( will decrease the chance of tank slapping if doesn't come down straight).

Also when you first start you will get the compulsion to lean forward(don't!!) you need to lead back like doing a wheelie on a push bike.
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