Part Replacement


New Member
Hey guys and gals, just thought I'd start a thread about items on the bike everyone has chosen or been forced to change

The main reason I started this, is because I just had to replace the tail light bulb. I have a little over 13k miles on the bike and it is something I didn't expect replacing soon (sorry people on the freeway trying to signal that to me). But thought it could be useful for everyone to get an idea of the longevity of parts.

To start, I've only needed to replace the tail light bulb and tires with 13,000 miles of life on the bike. I have chosen to replace the headlight and grips. So far, the bike has not let me down once, and has been strong running for canyon runs and 500 mile day trips. So, I look forward to hearing other's stories.
Oil & filters.
Front signal bulb.
One frame slider should be replaced, but it looks kinda badass as-is.

I expect bulbs will be the most common and least predictable failure item. A fragile loop of wire, burning white hot, while subject to shock and vibration, is a neat piece of 19th century retro tech, but not exactly a recipe for reliability.

Ya I agree with you there on the old school tech. I was trying to find suitable LED bulbs instead but I needed the new tail light so bought a cheat replacement.

It could have been my exuberance on a 2 mile dirt section headed to a friend's house that shock the poor filament to pieces. :D
