Outlaw gang


New Member
Here at work, a hospital, just had 3 Motorcycle Outlaw members come in through the ED... what to do what to do... lol... and surprisingly enough, only one of them looks scary!

at least I'm pretty sure I could take the other two...


New Member
whats their damage?


New Member
Speaking of gangs, I remember the first week I bought my bike, an ex-coworker (who is one fry short of a happy meal anyway) approached me and told me how careful I needed to be while riding.

Apparently he had heard from a friend who knew a guy that knew a guy in the hospital (mmhmm) that there was a "gang" of sport bike riders in my town that was driving around running cruiser drivers off the road.

This was also the same guy that bought a brand new 700lb 900cc cruiser as the first bike he ever even sat his butt on, and promptly followed it with a full leather set of gear in the middle of summer and (get this) two gun holsters...in case he came across that sport bike gang.

Smelled like a load of bullshiat to me, but it was good for a couple laughs. Since then, another guy I knew bought a CBR 250, I said we needed to start the gang just to give that guy a run for his money...
