New Owner


New Member
hi everyone,

Just picked her up today. 2010 raven. by the way my name is rich and i live in tacoma, wa. This is my second bike and i started out in a N250. No plans for mods yet. I have been just an on looker on this site for a while until I got her. Thanks for all the great info that all the members provided, it helped me a lot on deciding on choosing the fz6r.
congrats and welcome to the club! :)

As requested sir!
Oops didn't think the pic was gonna that big. I'm doing all this from my droid. My apologies
Welcome to the fz6r scene! Enjoy your new bike!

Kinda pissed they didn't put the black forks on the 09 raven :mad: Somethin i'm goin to have to get done!
