New member from the sunny Cheshire, UK


New Member
I'm Shaun 23 and from "sunny" Sandbach

I have been into bikes since I was about 12 messing around on 85's and pitbikes (good old days!) my first road legal bike was an aprillia RS50 and even though was a small bike still a massive amount of fun, Long story short I had a RTC with a bloke in a car which resulted in me in hospital with a ruptured spleen, muscle damage in my left arm and damaged my coccyx (Hope that is the right spelling).

I then got a dr125 shortly after however it was not for me, I then had no bike until 4 months ago after I have had numerous cars from clio's to an astra vxr and now owning an a4 (sensible!!) I decided to get my behind in gear and get my bike licence, Now seen as the dvla thought it would be a chuffing good idea to introduce the new test limits (35kw 21-24) that is what I went for as I wanted a bike for the short remainder of our summer, the 400 was to much sit up right and put alot of pressure on my coccyx and with it hurting already I wasn't a fan of it, I now have my new (to me) xj6n and I LOVE IT! have had the bike 3-4 days and already done 150 miles I do have some parts I want to upgrade I just need to source some know-how and what parts will/wont work.

my background is mainly cars to be honest I studied engineering/motor vehicle at college, worked at a motor factors for around 6 years & now I work in interior trim at a local factory.

I know this is a bit long winded but that's my intro now haha, forum looks to be a nice place with lots of helpful people around, hopefully speak to you all soon


Here's my bike & my old bike is the yellow one in the background :)

I could do with some advice also if anyone can help me out, I am after a rear hugger &N not sure what I can get to fit, would I be right in thinking that any of the fz6r or any yamaha would fit?
thanks for any help

