New laws against "bikies" in QLD Australia


New Member
From the same state as the Buxom Bandit :

If you think the Street Stunters are getting bad press in the USA, the bikies in QLD are reeling today.

Qld Government's tough anti-bikie laws passed after marathon debate in Parliament - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Unless I'm totally misreading things and the QLD electorate, this reeks of a govt trying to hide something. Everyone knows there's more money in white collar crime ;)

It'd be interesting to see the money trail for a new "bikie-only" prison to be built.

History shows that the tighter the laws, then the more loopholes will emerge.

The first case will definitely go to the high court as the bikie clubs have a united motorcycle council (UMC) now so that clubs can sort out any issues and pay for QCs (high achieving lawyers) to defend cases that affect all of them. A few years back they had anti-association "laws" nationwide whereby just knowing a bikie could get you arrested, hence the UMC formed and successfully overturned the laws.

Qld anti-bikie laws include:

Extra powers for CMC
Bikie-only prison at Woodford, north of Brisbane
Mandatory sentences of 15 years for serious crimes committed as part of gang activity, on top of the normal penalty
Club office bearers will be sentenced to another 10 years in jail, and parole will only be granted if the offender cooperates with police
Convicted bikies subjected to strict drug tests and searches in prison
No gym facilities or TV access in jail
Phone calls in jail to be monitored, except those relating to legal reps
Inmates' mail opened and censored
Visitor contact restricted to one hour a week
Bikie criminals in other state prisons to be transferred to Woodford
Introducing a licensing regime for tattoo parlours and artists, banning bikie gang members
Motorcycles to be crushed as punishment for certain crimes
From the same state as the Buxom Bandit :

If you think the Street Stunters are getting bad press in the USA, the bikies in QLD are reeling today.

Qld Government's tough anti-bikie laws passed after marathon debate in Parliament - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Unless I'm totally misreading things and the QLD electorate, this reeks of a govt trying to hide something. Everyone knows there's more money in white collar crime ;)

It'd be interesting to see the money trail for a new "bikie-only" prison to be built.

History shows that the tighter the laws, then the more loopholes will emerge.

The first case will definitely go to the high court as the bikie clubs have a united motorcycle council (UMC) now so that clubs can sort out any issues and pay for QCs (high achieving lawyers) to defend cases that affect all of them. A few years back they had anti-association "laws" nationwide whereby just knowing a bikie could get you arrested, hence the UMC formed and successfully overturned the laws.

Qld anti-bikie laws include:

Extra powers for CMC
Bikie-only prison at Woodford, north of Brisbane
Mandatory sentences of 15 years for serious crimes committed as part of gang activity, on top of the normal penalty
Club office bearers will be sentenced to another 10 years in jail, and parole will only be granted if the offender cooperates with police
Convicted bikies subjected to strict drug tests and searches in prison
No gym facilities or TV access in jail
Phone calls in jail to be monitored, except those relating to legal reps
Inmates' mail opened and censored
Visitor contact restricted to one hour a week
Bikie criminals in other state prisons to be transferred to Woodford
Introducing a licensing regime for tattoo parlours and artists, banning bikie gang members
Motorcycles to be crushed as punishment for certain crimes

wow, sounds like you got a problem that is more gang related than it is motorcycle related. I assume your average joe riding a bike is not a bikie? I think our stunt guys are more just aholes than a criminal gang for the most part but i really never heard about it until i saw it on this site the other day.
I didn't think it was a big problem. From the news, a Bandido got bashed in front of his kids, then the gang found the guy that did it at a restaurant in the shopping strip and there was a big scene, then the next thing I hear is all these new laws.

You can't just throw people in jail with no proof.

Anyway, I don't know all the details.

"If gangs hand in their colours and aren't criminal motorcycle gangs any more we can take them off the list."

They aren't allowed to go to clubhouses or be in groups of 3 or more.

Gangs declared criminal organisations :

• Bandidos

• Black Uhlans

• Coffin Cheaters

• Comancheros

• Finks

• Fourth Reich

• Gladiators

• Gypsy Jokers

• Hells Angels

• Highway 61

• Iron Horsemen

• Life and Death

• Lone Wolf

• Mobshitters

• Mongols

• Muslim Brotherhood Movement

• Nomads

• Notorious

• Odins Warriors

• Outcasts

• Outlaws

• Phoenix

• Rebels

• Red Devils

• Renegades

• Scorpions

What ? You mean the Warriors aren't a real gang ?

Mobshitters ? I hadn't heard of that one before.
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I was under the impression that these laws were aimed at organised crime syndicates trading as Bikie Club's,
not just a blatant crack down on any motorcycle related club
I don't know all the details, seems a way over the top response for a couple of hevs punching on in the main street.

The pollies are shooting from the hip here, that's way more scary than a few bikies bashing each other.
I didn't think new laws were needed.

Patches are a great way to identify.
Clubhouses gives people like this an outlet.

10-15 years on top of any crime done by a bikie ? Therefore if confronted during a crime, what affect will this have in the back of a crims mind ? Will this make the community and the Police's job easier or harder ?
- Bikie criminals in other state prisons to be transferred to Woodford

So does this mean that Bikies arrested in non-gestapo states will be transferred to Siberia ?
I was under the impression that these laws were aimed at organised crime syndicates trading as Bikie Club's,
not just a blatant crack down on any motorcycle related club

NO, the Premier's Attourney-General was pre-apologising for disrupting normal bike riding activity, but please be patient and understand.

Either way, are you happy to see people convicted without proof of anything ?
It sounds like these laws will give these members more reason not to be arrested. A smaller crime that might put someone away for a year or two will now be worth 16 or 17 years. More reason to get away at any cost.

Sent while running with scissors.
If these types of laws do anything, it will simply be to make the "bikies" even nastier than they already are. Where-as before they may have simply gone in, did their year or two, and come back out into the they will fight tooth and nail any time they're caught, probably killing or hurting a lot of people in the process.
2 Odin's Warriors are the first to get arrested for the crime of going to the clubhouse. Police are stationed outside every clubhouse.

Another 25 yo "ex-vice president" of Red Devils got caught with drug paraphenalia in his appartment, therefore 15 years on top of whatever sentence he gets for that. How can it be proven whether he is a current member or not ? The state seems to be suggesting, unless the patched vest is handed in to a police station, you can't prove it.

A guy with a Sons of Anarchy T-shirt nearly got arrested for having "outlawed insignia", til the cops realised it was a ficticous gangname from a TV show, not an actual real gang.

A guy with an 81 shirt in his possession got arrested.

95% of the "declarred criminal organisations" gangs have not had any arrests of any of their members for years. It's individuals within the other 5 %. Police know that too, I think.

A guy that went on a pink ribbon ride once is now a "known associate".

Basically, cops can't tell the difference between an accountant with his chubby girlfriend on the back and a real bikie, or maybe they can. They have been told to follow orders to the letter or quit if they can't handle it.

What is the next group after bikies to be targetted ?, we've seen this playbook before in history.
Yeah that's pretty ridiculous, Freddy. That's like getting arrested here in the States for wearing a shirt with a hemp leaf on it. Oh he went to the club house? Sup bro, jail time. That's just ridiculous imo, unless they're like, running drugs out of it or something. Even then, there wouldn't be any proof just from entering that he was involved in that. Unless they're doing like, RICO or something.
It's exactly the same as banning all Priests,Judges and Media Personalities because some of them got caught kiddy fiddling.
Normal HD based social clubs won't be affected they said :

Guess again, lets raid a bunch of 60-70 yo Vietnam veterans having a beer on a Friday evening.

Queensland police raid recreational Vietnam and Veterans Motorcycle Club under anti-bikie laws - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Some are speculating these new laws are due to the upcoming G20, they realise already that no court could hold these laws up, the police seem to be loving their new found powers it seems (not a good look). Yesterday, apparently ex-crims will be offered money to leave the G20 zone during the conference, which would add weight to the speculation.

What's in it for us having to suck up to G20 and change our laws to crap laws, just for a bunch of G20 stiffs doing dodgy deals on our dime and with our mineral wealth ? One may wonder.
People getting questioned for wearing Tshirts.

Arrested if wearing a patch.

Normal commuters getting pulled over 3 times on the way home from work. (asked if they have tattoos or belong to an outlaw mc gang).

It's being speculated that the qld govt know these laws will never hold up in court, but are doing it to "accomodate" the upcoming G20 conference. So not only are Qld pollies so quick to clamp down on basic laws established over centures but they want to be seen enthusiastically sticking their butt in the air for G20 and their derivative castle and money printer.

It's a bad look for Qld, its a bad look for G20.
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The government seems powerless to stop the bikies from doing whatever they want.

For example, here’s a picture taken in Brisbane yesterday of a group of more than 3 bikies, all wearing the same gang patch, in blatant and open disregard for the new laws.

What can be done to stop these lawbreakers?



  • bIKIES.jpg
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Apparently the new laws doesn't specifically mention bikies except in an appendix, so therefore, these new laws can be used to put Political parties in the clink if any of the party members have been found to do a crime. There's lots of politicians on the take now with mineral exploration licences and govt leases renewals etc, I'm sure its worse in Qld, so therefore they all must be rounded up and put away for 15 years or more.

For G20, we don't need to be giving them money to support those croonies, therefore, we should issue our own govt backed money and screw G20 going around sucking billions out of countries and then telling us we need to give them more money and allow them to take whatever govt asset or mineral asset they want. No doubt the foreign govts will be getting their hands on Qld resources after the meeting soon, that's what the Qld govt is really trying to hide by going after the bogeyman that going to get you at night (the current bikie apoclypse)

The government seems powerless to stop the bikies from doing whatever they want.

For example, here’s a picture taken in Brisbane yesterday of a group of more than 3 bikies, all wearing the same gang patch, in blatant and open disregard for the new laws.

What can be done to stop these lawbreakers?


They need to be declared an outlaw criminal organisation now.

Or maybe we can give them guns and drugs and send them to other countries to cause trouble, then when the trouble starts, we can then send in our troops to stop all the trouble that they started.
