Need oem rear seat cowl for 2011 fz6r {reddish copper color}


New Member
Looking for a Yamaha rear seat cowl for 2011 Yamaha FZ6R Reddish/Copper color if anyone out there happen to have one sitting around. :cool:
I didn't even know the made a color for the copper/raven 2011 bike. I've checked on eBay and they only have blue, yellow, white and black. :(

I guess the black one might work since the seat there is currently black. But I think it would make the bike and rear end look so much better if there was a cowl for our color bike.
I did some digging around on the forums here for the orange/copper seat cowl and everyone was saying that they were discontinued before they were ever made. :(

I couldn't find any for sale on eBay either.

However, I did run across the following websites that say they sell that color. I'm not sure if they're legit or what it will look like, but maybe someone can be the guinea pig? lol

I have called a number of web sites, much just like those links you provided, but they all said that they don't have it in that color...even though on their web site it makes you think they carry it because you see it listed there. I think these dealers put it on their web site but when you call to order they check yamaha's book and come back to say it's discontinued!

Yamaha did say that they never made it in that color in the 2011 which I thought was kinda odd...they suggest using the black one.

I guess you could just buy any color and pay to have it professionally paint matched.:rolleyes:
Hmm I like the idea of doing it myself. Having something unique.

Do you think it would be easier buying the white or black cowl and paint over it? I'm guessing the black would take more coats of paint than the white cowl would.

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Also...ouch. The price for the base, top color, primer etc is going to rack up. Plus the price of an already pre-painted cowl.

This mod may have to wait a bit lol. It's seemingly approaching the cost of a PCV.

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