My Tracks App for Android


New Member
Its another slow day in the office so I thought I would post about this app I found .That's probably been covered because it seems like everything has been posted to this site at one time or another from Mods to the Kennedy Assasination :)

The app is called mytracks and what it does is record your ride. You turn it on when you leave and it tracks your movements on a map that you can go back and look at anytime. It also shows your ride time, time spent not moving, max speed, average speed that kind of stuff. Nothing earth shattering but it is cool when riding to an area you haven't been before. Here is a link to check it out. If anyone knows of a better one let me know.


Well-Known Member
I have that app and used it once or twice on rides.
I wouldnt reccomend you post your files on internet though, as it tracks how fast, when and what location.
If you want to use something similar for trackdays, RaceChrono has a free app and has better functionality for improving times


New Member
I used this app for a while to track my bicycle rides before apps like Runkeeper and MapMyRide got popular. My Tracks seems to be the best at gathering useful data, but it just isn't as easy to use on the fitness side of things as these others.

Take a look at your elevation changes on the app as well. I thought that was a neat feature.


New Member
I used this app for a while to track my bicycle rides before apps like Runkeeper and MapMyRide got popular. My Tracks seems to be the best at gathering useful data, but it just isn't as easy to use on the fitness side of things as these others.

Take a look at your elevation changes on the app as well. I thought that was a neat feature.
I like the map feature and the stats. I just went out this weekend. Went 85.75 miles in 3 hrs. 13 minutes. Moving time of 1 hr. 56 minues. Average overall speed was 26.5, averaging moving speed 44.03 and my max speed was 81 mph. I was at a low elevation of about 0 feet (the beach) to a max of about 1600 feet. Ill check on the mapmyride see what that's like.
