My best bike bro got into his first accident today


New Member
He rides a R6 and is the one that convinced me to get into riding as well and helped me buy my first bike and pretty much get me started. Gave me all the advice I needed and pretty much was my guidance. We were really good friends before I started riding but after we both became bike bros things got pretty intense. Dat bike bro love, ya know.

Hes been riding for over a year. But anyways he was going 40 and this stupid sorority chick (we live in a college town) near campus was texting on her phone and didn't stop at the stop sign. He pressed both his brakes and knew he wasn't going to stop in time and decided to lowside the bike instead of taking the impact. He usually never wears his gear except a helmet (we live in Texas, but thats no excuse I tell him) and he never wears his gloves, luckily for him it was cold this morning so he had his jacket and gloves on.

Ended up with some scratches on his leg and his leg is sore. The side of his bike is cosmetically ruined but its mechanically fine.

Hes pretty devastated about it. The worst thing is he didn't call the police or get insurance involved (he doesn't want his parents to know). Which I got on his case for. The girl got out of the car and asked if he was ok, with her phone in her hand and he went ape**** on her and gave her a piece of his mind.

I told him that these things happen and its in the past now and the best thing to do is to learn from it, and that he should feel lucky he got out with as little bodily damage to himself as he did. I guess the reason I made this topic is cause the reality of losing a friend just hit me when I found out about the incident.
Hopefully this girl learned something from this. Sounds like it could have been worse but scrapes will heal.

Sent while running with scissors.
So glad your friend is ok. A bike can be fixed but I can imagine how devastated he is. Even with the distracted driving laws put in place here it hasnt detered people. Very sad. People just wont learn :mad:
Glad he's ok. I would encourage him to wear gear. Even a short ride to 7-11 can have unpredictable outcomes. Speedy recovery and hope he gets the R6 fixed. ATGATT
Had it been his fault, I definitely wouldn't have wanted to tell the parents lol. But since it was hers, I think he probably should have gone ahead and done it. Might be too late now, though. I had a lady I thought was going to run a stop sign on me the other day. Lot of people around here like to haul *** until the last 15 ft from a stop sign then slam on brakes. This lady pushed it up until like the last 5. I think my butthole was tighter than a pinhead for a few seconds when I started braking on that one.

I'm glad your buddy is okay, man. Would have really sucked if he had gotten hurt because of someone else's stupidity.
Glad to hear you friend is OK. I saw a motivational poster that I live by. "Wear your safety gear because it is better to walk away in disgust than ride away in an ambulance".
And always expect the stupid driver to do what will cause you the most problems.
It's the intense reality that keeps us reminded of why we gear up, ride smart, and always be deffensive. That ***** should have gone to jail in my opinion. One of my buddies just started riding again after 7 years due to his best friend going down and getting killed. Ironicly, the ***** was texting and ran a red light. I hope this doesn't deter you from riding. It's the rush and intense feelings you get that get us on 2 wheels anyways. I think about that everytime I drop into the back country on my board.... Cause honestly you can die from just about anything these days. Happy to hear your buddies card didn't get pulled. Hope yall have a good day and ride safe.
