Mounting a Valentine One Radar Detector...


New Member
While it's similar to a GPS mount (, I'm curious to see if anyone's mounted a Valentine One (specifically the V1) to their FZ6R at all... I'm trying to figure out if it would be best to mount it on the bar, or under the windscreen, and what would be the most secure way to mount. I'm a bit skittish on mounting via suction cups to the flyscreen; that just doesn't look secure. However, I do want something that's mounted a bit further up so at least the front laser sensor will be functional (even though we all know once you're hit with laser, you're toast anyway).

Also, given that the V1 speaker can be quite loud, I wonder if it's possible to forego the headphone connector--I just don't want any wires/headphones running to my helmet.
Would love to invest in one of these also, just would rather spend that $200 on the Seat Cowl first! :D
While it's similar to a GPS mount (, I'm curious to see if anyone's mounted a Valentine One (specifically the V1) to their FZ6R at all... I'm trying to figure out if it would be best to mount it on the bar, or under the windscreen, and what would be the most secure way to mount. I'm a bit skittish on mounting via suction cups to the flyscreen; that just doesn't look secure. However, I do want something that's mounted a bit further up so at least the front laser sensor will be functional (even though we all know once you're hit with laser, you're toast anyway).

Also, given that the V1 speaker can be quite loud, I wonder if it's possible to forego the headphone connector--I just don't want any wires/headphones running to my helmet.

Radar detectors aren't illegal where you live? I would think it would be very hard to conceal a detector on a bike and have it still function properly.

I don't have any ideas though lol.
As the OP, radar detectors are legal here in TN. IIRC, it's a no-go in VA, DC, maybe one other Northeast state, and you can't stick anything to a windscreen in CA.

I've figured out the wiring portion of things... I'm just having difficulty with rigging something up to hold the detector. I'm positive I don't want anything magnetic, nor any adhesives on my V1. That's it so far! :(

I think you could use the Vholdr contourHD handlebar mount, with the mounting hardware attached to the radar. it will stay very solid. Im actually going to mount my phone AND my radar via those mounts.
