Is here!


New Member
Hey guys,

As you probably saw in some earlier posts, as well as if you visit any other forums you could have seen me asking for some input about a project i've been working on with a group of guys. Well, we finally finished our beta phase, and would like to invite some of you to join up and have a look around. You can visit the site by going to Motobud

While I understand not everyone will like what we've done, and some will even complain, and call it useless. While it's true, other social sites exist like MotoBud, but most, if not all bombard you with advertisements, dont' offer the same features we do, are EXTREMELY hard to navigate, or they charge you. MotoBud is Ad free, and costs nothing to use. We simply want to provide a service to our motorcycle buddies, and we think we've done that. The site has quite a few neat features, ones I won't try and go into detail here, but if you run into any problems, or have a question, you can visit : Motobud This is the MotoBud launch event.

We hope you find this system as useful as we have, and we encourage everyone to provide positive, and negative feedback, as long as it's useful. It helps us make a better service for everyone.

Thanks again!
email verification please

Site looks good and I made an account. However the verification process was too much work for lazy old me. Can you please make an email verification step like other social sites? Thanks! :)

Site looks good and I made an account. However the verification process was too much work for lazy old me. Can you please make an email verification step like other social sites? Thanks! :)

Thanks for the feedback. It's important to note that the the verification process isn't mandatory. We actually do this for a few reasons, most of them are pointed out in the pop up. while most social sites do only require you to verify an email to make sure you're a human, we actually allow people to meet with other people, so we sat down and contemplated various ways to make this , at least, somewhat " secure " . When riders ride with others riders, they like to first make sure they ride with someone who actually owns a bike, not someone saying they do, just so they can meet up with you, and potentially steal yours.
Yes, the verification process we have, will not eliminate that by any means, but the number of people actually verifying this way who simply want to potentially meet someone to steal from them, is quite low. It also encourages the people signing up to actually have motorcycles, we dont want people who " like " motorcycles, or people who " will one day " own a motorcycle, when i look through a list of people i could ride with in my area, i'd like to see who can ride now, not two weeks from now when they finally get a bike. I agree, the verification process is a little iffy, and i'm happy to think outside the box to find other ways to make it easier, so if you have any ( aside from email ), then i'm more than all ears!

