Mag-Knight magnetic tank protectors


New Member
I saw this on my buddy's GSX-R600; looks absolutely beautiful. One can't tell there's actually a tank protector on the bike at all!

Magnetic Tank Pads, Bra & Motorcycle Protector - Mag-Knight

Unfortunately, there aren't any applications for our FZ6R. If there are enough folks who show interest, perhaps I can take it to Mag-Knight to see if they'd create color-matched applications for us.

I'm most interested in their color-matched tank bra: Motorcycle Tank Protector - Magnetic Tank Bra by Mag-Knight

Any takers?


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how much does it cost?


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New Member
how much does it cost?

Looking at their site, it looks like those of you wanting a black protector will be $79; color matched or carbon-look for $99.

For me, I can't stand how the popular "sticker" type belt buckle/tank protectors look, nor am I pleased with something adhesive (read: messy to remove). This preserves the color of your bike, and won't yellow like clear film.


New Member
OK, I've sent a letter to Mag-Knight; I'll keep folks updated here if/when I hear back from them.


New Member
... aaaaand...

Absolutely nothing.

I might as well have sent my letters into a black hole. No response, not even an automated "Nah, not interested" letter, nothing.


Anyone else want to give it a go? Otherwise, mod(s), feel free to delete or otherwise let die...


New Member
... aaaaand...

Absolutely nothing.

I might as well have sent my letters into a black hole. No response, not even an automated "Nah, not interested" letter, nothing.


Anyone else want to give it a go? Otherwise, mod(s), feel free to delete or otherwise let die...

I find myself emailing black holes often too....its a shame when a company doesn't value its customers enough to even dignify them with a simple email explaining themselves....

I won't buy from a company that does that. Take T-Rex for example. I wanted to order their slider's for my bike. I called the owner back in december, he told me to send him an email and he would get on response back from the email, still two months later....sad.

Disclaimer: I know many have had great success with T-Rex and have nothing but positive regard for the company, however this was not my case.


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They have an application for the FZ6, how different are the tanks between the FZ6 and the FZ6R? It's possible the one for the FZ6 would work, anyone want to be a guinea pig:D
