Luggage Rack- Nearing Completion


New Member
My neighbor and I have been working on a luggage rack for the Displacement, and it's almost ready to paint. He just has to re-braze one joint that didn't take the final fitting/bending all that well. There are also 4 nuts to be brazed on for my JCWhitney trunk. Here's the pics after I spent an afternoon scraping slag out of every nook and cranny.



Our plan is to finish it with black Hammerite, but if anybody here has a better idea then I'm open to suggestions.

My neighbor is a real DIYer like me- he built a tool specifically to bend the steel for this rack! Up close it's not going to win any beauty pageants, but it'll be as functional as I need it to be. We cut notches all around the outer strip for bungee attachment points, and designed it so it fits under the rack thingy that comes stock on the fz6r.


New Member
Looks good so far. I wanted to do something similar so I could make the whole bracket quick release, but I don't have the tools to do it where I live now. I just went ahead and got the Givi case and the dealer installed bracket. Expensive but nice.

Be sure to post pics of the finished product!
