Legal indicators + fender brake light in Australia.


New Member
Hey, something just happened and now i'm really pee'd off. Some old granny in her car cut me off on the inside as i was half way through a left turn! When i confronted her about it: "wtf are you doing!?" her reply was because i'm a learner she is automatically in the right and i'm in the wrong. An argument then endured until a police car randomly came past and broke it up :mad:

Anyway onto my question. The result was i was in the wrong because my tail light and indicators were not legal. The indicators/brake light are tinted and the brake light is also an integrated brake/indicator unit which is also not legal. I have now been given 5 days to replace these with legal components.

Can someone recommend some front indicators and taillight/indicators that are legal in Australia? The stock fender + indictors are ugly as hell so i want something that looks cool, is functional, and legal. Preferably cheap.
As far as I know everything aftermarket is regarded as illegal (read: unroadworthy) as far as the Road & Transport Authority is concerned,
as the bike was registered (authorised for legal road use in Australia with Enginneering certificate) with stock indicators.

Most times Police will not care about what mods you do, until such a time that it is neccessary to pull you up on it (as you, unfortunately, discovered).

A firend of mine spent $10k getting his Sub Forrester certified by an Engineer
with lowered spring & suspension kit and now the police can not touch him
as it is registered with RTA with those modifications.

..I suggest changing your indicators back to stock, check in with the poh poh and signed off.
Later on change it to what you want and do your best to avoid DH cagers like you came across oin the future
Yamaha offer a different fender to stock and cool LED indicators all on the aussie Yamaha store... but expect to PAY

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
As far as I know everything aftermarket is regarded as illegal (read: unroadworthy) as far as the Road & Transport Authority is concerned,
as the bike was registered (authorised for legal road use in Australia with Enginneering certificate) with stock indicators.

Most times Police will not care about what mods you do, until such a time that it is neccessary to pull you up on it (as you, unfortunately, discovered).

A firend of mine spent $10k getting his Sub Forrester certified by an Engineer
with lowered spring & suspension kit and now the police can not touch him
as it is registered with RTA with those modifications.

..I suggest changing your indicators back to stock, check in with the poh poh and signed off.
Later on change it to what you want and do your best to avoid DH cagers like you came across oin the future
2 things,

1stly, check the state regs, NSW, SA, and WA, are completely different in terms of regs, e.g. its legal to have a pipe on a lams bike in NSW (provided it meets ADRs) and illegal in WA,

2ndly, engineering reports mean jack sh!t in WA, in WA the police only have to suspect your car is illegally modified to have it stickered, note suspect and not know.

To the OP, you want the answer, the stock is legal, or you can check the ADRs and find one that matches, key problem, ADRs state that the rear wheel must be covered to a 45 degree angle (e.g. long mud guard), because of the short tail on our bikes there's always going to be an issue meeting this. However it doesn't say that the plate mus cover it, so any mud guard will do...

There is also a minimum distance of separation between the indicators and the brake light, so that integrated one might as well go in the bin...
I think in your situation it will be easier to return to stock and get it checked off and see how you go from there.

I think the main thing is if its flashy or eye catching, eventually it will get the attention of the police. I have the Targa fender eliminator and to be honest it looks factory. Similar looking indicator to stock, just a tad smaller and does the job bringing the license plate underneath the brake light.

Good luck though


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pretty much as everyone else has said, in NSW the only legal one is the original fender.

Indicators, for NSW, are to match the ADR's rules now ( recently changed) and I believe that it 180mm apart from the edges.

I'd honestly only expect the integrated indicators to cause you trouble here, no one I have come across really has issues with a fender eliminator.

You can keep the one you have now, but you also need those other blinkers that are apart.
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i agree, if you put on some small LED turn signals on your FE kit instead of the integrated you will probably be fine. I am curious to know how she knew you were a "learner" and how the hell would you be at fault just because your a learner, in the states we call learners license a permit and there is no different rules of the road for a permit. There are restrictions, no freeway, no night, no passengers but that doesnt affect the rules of the road.
i agree, if you put on some small LED turn signals on your FE kit instead of the integrated you will probably be fine. I am curious to know how she knew you were a "learner" and how the hell would you be at fault just because your a learner, in the states we call learners license a permit and there is no different rules of the road for a permit. There are restrictions, no freeway, no night, no passengers but that doesnt affect the rules of the road.

:aus: In aus we have a big [L] plates that we have to put on our bikes and cars when we have our "learning" license or permit with some restrictions. Then as we progress its a [P] plate whilst on our Provisional license or permit until we get our full license. Usually couple of years unless you have been naughty.
:aus: In aus we have a big [L] plates that we have to put on our bikes and cars when we have our "learning" license or permit with some restrictions. Then as we progress its a [P] plate whilst on our Provisional license or permit until we get our full license. Usually couple of years unless you have been naughty.

OMG, what a pain in the ***. I like it, wish they had that here. Here any retard can get a license and there is no learners or provisional or anything like that.
OMG, what a pain in the ***. I like it, wish they had that here. Here any retard can get a license and there is no learners or provisional or anything like that.

Around here it is based on age haha. I am stuck with a permit for 6 months that is not good at night or on freeways because I am under 21. Not that these are unreasonable restrictions for a new rider, but it seems a bit silly that they are applied to young riders just because of their age. Seems like it would be better if it was skill based rather than age based to me.
Around here it is based on age haha. I am stuck with a permit for 6 months that is not good at night or on freeways because I am under 21. Not that these are unreasonable restrictions for a new rider, but it seems a bit silly that they are applied to young riders just because of their age. Seems like it would be better if it was skill based rather than age based to me.

I did not know that, you have to have the permit for 6 months before you can take your test? Over 21 you can take the test the next day after you get your permit if you want.

And you think its not good to base on age because you are young lol. when you get a little older you just don't do as many crazy or stupid things as you do when your under 21. Take my word for it :D
I did not know that, you have to have the permit for 6 months before you can take your test? Over 21 you can take the test the next day after you get your permit if you want.

And you think its not good to base on age because you are young lol. when you get a little older you just don't do as many crazy or stupid things as you do when your under 21. Take my word for it :D

The way it works is if you are under 21 you MUST take the MSF course (which is a good policy), but the MSF course takes the place of your actual driving test, just like it does if you are over 21. So the process is first take the MSF course, then after you complete that you can take the written permit test at the DMV and if you pass you get your permit. Then you must have the permit for 6 months (or until you turn 21, whichever comes first). After the 6 months you just have to go into the DMV and you automatically get your license. No more tests or anything. It seems silly because just because you have had your permit for 6 months doesn't mean you have gained any skill or caution. For example, one of my good friends just got his permit, but he doesn't have a bike to practice on. By the time he gets one he may already have his full license, so the 6 month waiting period does him no good. Meanwhile I am practicing almost every day, but gain nothing from that.

Of course we gain caution as we age.. or at least we are smarter about where and when we do things to minimize the risk, so I can see that there is some logic to restricting young riders. If the law is intended to keep young riders from taking risks then it would make more sense to simply restrict ALL riders under 21 rather than just ones in their first 6 months of riding. If the law is intended to keep inexperienced riders out of dangerous situations then it would be better to apply the 6 month waiting period to all riders regardless of age, or better yet to find some other skill-based way for riders to demonstrate that they are ready to move up to that level rather than a simple time period.
The granny sounds dangerous, if you see a young guy with L plates on the motorbike, you give them room, that's what L plates are for.

In her case, she sees L plates and proceeds to chop you off.

Police are happy to fine both you and granny, but because you have aftermarket parts, that's the easiest thing to definitively revenue raise with proof, so he went for that.

The policeman should have stuck by you as a life is way more important than any defect. You weren't threatening the grannies life before she cut you off, yet she did to you.

Anyway, you get used to people attempting to kill you everytime you ride, you become a bit unaffected after a while "err, just someone threatening manslaughter, nothing to worry about"...

The good thing is you didn't get hit anyway.

Reminds me of the time a granny ran straight into my horse and then started to yell at me. (the horse was ok, just a big bruise and a few cuts) I've had a granny chop me off and hit my car before, then get out of the car and immediately say its my fault, until a bystander said they saw the whole lot, so she drives off immediately after causing damage ... (Imagine if I had of been the one to drive off) they ain't all sweet grannies, some are very bitter and vindictive creatures.
