


ok.. i know.. seems kinda lame.. but wanted some opinions.. dog tags? wallet? some other form that i cant think of right now.. what do people bring along to use for identification purposes.. you know, in case the worst happend.. what would be good to have for those instances.. thanks all :thumbup:
I know that some people put a sticker on their helmets with In Case of Emergency contact information on it. Makes sense since the first think that emercency services will check is the head and neck area.
I have the "sticker" by the air intake by the mouth. Also my wallet is in the front jacket pocket. Never leave home without it. I thought of dog tags, they make here by the mall, but never got around to it.
I know that some people put a sticker on their helmets with In Case of Emergency contact information on it. Makes sense since the first think that emercency services will check is the head and neck area.
Hi Rob,

I can honestly tell you that any info taken from a helmet will be disregarded.

If the casualty is unconscious a helmet would not be taken as a legal form of identification. We could not determine if the rider actually owned the helmet.
A recognised medical alert bracelet would be a good idea as is your driving license is as long as your face is recognisable. A passport is also good.
When I ride with friends I try to get a writen list together of everyones next of kin and relevant medical info like allergies.

The contents of a wallet are not generally acceptable unless there is photo ID.
I have looked after an unconscious guy with six ID's in his wallet. That was a pain in the bum.
I am looking at creating a worn device that will enable instant recognition of a rider/ driver and provide all the necessary info.

I have the "sticker" by the air intake by the mouth. Also my wallet is in the front jacket pocket. Never leave home without it. I thought of dog tags, they make here by the mall, but never got around to it.
The best sticker to have would be something like "ID in jacket pocket".
Blood groups and all that other info will generally be disregarded.
heard it from the medic's mouth. sounds like it is a good idea to actually keep the Identification on your person as well as it may become disregarded if it is even in the luggage on the bike.

Wallet in my pants and make sure there is photo ID as well.
The ICE number is a great idea, The only draw back is if you have someone who does not own that phone becoming a casualty.

Interesting...(showing my ignorance here)...I thought mobiles were so ubiquitous these days, everyone has their own? But I see the danger, I for one wouldn't want my beloved getting that call or knock on the door in error, though I imagine experience has informed some pretty good procedures on positive identification at hospitals?
Interesting...(showing my ignorance here)...I thought mobiles were so ubiquitous these days, everyone has their own?

I often have Rob carry things for me, as girls' pants are not designed to hold anything bigger than Chapstick, and I hate purses (especially while riding).

I do always have my driver's license on me, though, and when riding it is most often in my riding jacket. I probably should carry something with my medical allergy on it though.....being allergic to a painkiller could be bad if I need surgery.
On the track I wear my dog tags because they have my blood type. I think blood type on the helmet is a good idea too. Other than that I have my wallet in my tank bag.

On my bicycle I have a copy of my DL in a zip lock bag that I carry in my jersey.
Going a bit further with the dog tag concept is the UTAG ice. It is a set of dog tags with one of them being a usb drive so you can have a bunch of info as well as a password protected section.
I carry my license in a little coin bag and have it in my jacket pocket. Also have my cell phone. :thumbup:
I do always have my driver's license on me, though, and when riding it is most often in my riding jacket. I probably should carry something with my medical allergy on it though.....being allergic to a painkiller could be bad if I need surgery.

Definately, get something to warn medics about that.

Down here in Oz, I have a medical condition, so I have a medic-alert necklace, and that also supplies a card which is in my wallet with all medical details and the number for my medical records.
The Medic Alert Foundation
I dunno if you guys have something similar over there, a good idea though.

I also carry my drivers license with photo ID on it.


An organ donar card may be a good idea for all bikers to carry.

