I think that time has come - what's she worth?


New Member
I know I haven't showed my face here in quite a long time, but I do check in on the threads occasionally. I haven't rode much in several months, for a lot of reasons, some excusable, some not.

My bike has been in the garage since December, and I've rode less and less since last labor day when I began showing nerve damage from a herniated disc in my neck I received 3 years ago.

In January I bit the bullet, and had spinal fusion surgery at the age of 29. I was supposed to bounce back quickly, within 3 weeks, but that was not the case. It's three months later, and I still feel the screws in my neck, and am quite limited on a daily basis. I am convinced that I will get better, but it will be several months to a year.

In the meantime, my bike is neglected, and I think it has come time to sell it. It makes me sad thinking about parting with it after so much effort to make it mine, but it literally pains me to ride it, and honestly, I could use the money to pay off my car and free myself of debt so that quitting my job would be an option (it's hard to sit at a keyboard 8 hours a day with neck issues).

Anyway - I was hoping for advice. I think selling it is unfortunately the right decision. She's a good bike, and somebody needs to be able to ride her. My question is where do you think the best place to sell it, and how much do you think it is worth?

It is a 2009, Yamaha blue, with 2200 miles on the odometer (I know that's pitiful). I bought it brand spanking new out of the crate in July 2011 if memory serves. It's been debadged, and still has frame sliders, bar ends, its been lowered, wheel stripes, I installed a 12V plug and a GPS mount, heated grips, a racing windscreen (still have the old one). Finally it'll come with my most recent purchase, two givi V35 hard cases, and the mounts are still on the bike. The only damage the bike has is a scuff on the right frame slider and right mirror (can't really see it unless you're looking for it) from a slow careful drop in my driveway (lost my balance on a hill, couldn't keep her from dropping, but I did manage to minimize it).

I did break-in maintenance at 600 miles, and I also took her out today (at some risk to my neck), gave her some tender care by cleaning the chain, changing the oil (Amsoil 10w40 full synth), aired the tires up, and tomorrow she'll get a spit shine and some fresh pics for advertising.

Keeping in mind I live in MS, and the weather is gorgeous right now, what do you think she's worth? She's practically new, I was hoping for no less than $4k, do you think with the accessories it'd be worth upwards of $5k? I paid cash, so clean title obviously.

I hope that one day I'll make a full recovery, and I'll buy a new bike. I'm not getting rid of my gear, because I'm counting on getting back on one day, but in the meantime, I hope somebody will enjoy this bike as much as I have.


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I think you can get 4,500 to 6,000 depending on how desperate you are for cash.

When i purchased mine it had 4,000 miles on it and i bought it for $4,000. it was in perfect condition un modified aside an aftermarket seat/saddle for a larger rider....which is not me by any means lol.
I feel for you man, I had two cage fusions done to my lower back in 2000. It takes longer than they tell u to get back to feeling whole again but within a couple of yrs I was back to myself. Takes time for everything to completely heal inside. Just don't rush into taking chances with it or you will be back to sq 1. I over did things after I started to feel better and wound up needing two more operations final one was in2000 originally hurt in 97. But all is well now and I'm riding so you will too. Good luck with ur recovery and your sale... Billy B.
You should easily get 5k for it, I got 4k for mine and that was the dealers offer with 11k miles on mine, lightly modded.
Thanks guys, appreciate the advice.

I think I'll wash it up, take some new pics tomorrow, put it available here first for around $5500 to start with, and then move on to craigslist, and just see how it goes from there. I don't need the money, so I have plenty of time.

sorry about the situation, hope you get better soon!

a bike in one part of the country can be worth 500-1k more/less than another part. check out local CL and cycletrader to see what they're going for and price it on the avg. there. this is the time to sell in spring/early summer. if you don't get any hits on it in the 1st 1-2 weeks, then it's priced too high and you should drop it slightly or you'll end up sitting on it for 1-2 months.

unless you find someone that is looking for the exact bike w/specific mods, unfortunately extras don't add much value. you're better off stripping it down and will get more $ selling separately. Strip the bike to stock as much as possible. Sell it for a reasonable amount, then sell off the accessories. You'll make more in the long run than trying to sell it as one package.
