How to Wheelie...

Like real estate, doing wheelies is all about location, location, location, because when the unexpected car shows up during flight or after touchdown chances are you will not stop in time, (I know this first hand). As for the techniques, they are all chain,clutch, and tire wreckers. Roll off the throttle at low speed then snap it open and the wheel will rise. It's all about momentum. It also helps that I am a light person. Hard touchdowns after a high wheelie play havoc on the front-end so they are not really worth it. Be careful and have fun.
My bike is totally stock and every time I slip the clutch in 1st no matter how much throttle I give it the bike barely comes up. The revs seem to automatically die off and fall down and then I just end up accelerating quickly.

Will keep practicing though ...

Stop being a panzy and do the damn thing.
