how to install K&N Air Filter?

51adwsu biker

New Member
I am getting a new intake and I have no idea how to install it or even how to get to the old intake......HELP?:surrender::surrender:
Comes with instructions. Pretty straight forward, lift up your gas tank, the big black box is the air box. Unscrew the screws there are about 7 of them, once you get them off, lift it up, take off the old paper air filter and insert the new one.

A little note is to becareful with the screws. I stripped my screws and had a hard time getting them off.
+1 ^^^ And having a magnetized screw driver when re-installing the front screws will help as well. I think I dropped those about 10 times....LOL
i just have to put in my 2 cents, K+N and any cleanable filter is bad for your engine. i work for ford, and we wont warranty any air related issue with after market filters, and in school we learned yes they improve performance and gas milage but cut the life of your engine down by a large margin. the oil from the filter wicks back into the intake, which is famous for clogging up mass air flow sensors(see that way to often with mustangs) and also the more air going through the filter the more contaminents going through the filter too. K+N cold air intakes on diesel trucks are nick named diesel dusters and theres a 2008 f-350 thats been dusted, sitting in my bay at work right now. and all because of this air filter system letting dust contaminents through i have to pull his cab and replace thousands of dollars of parts. hes looking at a 12 grand bill all said and done. :eek: ill stick with my paper filters...
The thing is they need to be clean on a regular basis with soft soap and oil. Now putting to much oil in the filter might be the cause of some of the problem you describe...

we always use a k&n air filter on race motors without a proboem. like you said, they just need to be properly cleaned and oiled. now on the track we always had a bra that went around it to keep the dust and dirt clods from getting into it. i wonder if something like that would work for our street use, or if that would restrict flow too much.
yes lack of maintenance is where the problem comes from, but from my experience is most as in 95% of people are to lazy/stupid/ignorant to maintain their air filter properly. honestly i hate working on anything aftermarket because after market stuff is usually(not always) garbage.
K&N, ProFlow, and most other gauze type filters will add increased air flow to the motor. We run open air boxes on our quads, with K&N filters in the sand dunes. If you have ever been to the dunes, you will find that sand can find it's way anywhere. We have never had a problem with any engine damage. We clean our filters daily. I would not hesitate to run this style of filter on the FZ6R. If properly maintained, the user will see no additional wear.
I really have to wonder,,,. On a stock 6R engine with a after market exhaust,just how much H.P. increase are you actually getting buy replacing a stock air filter witha K+N filter. Maybe 2 or 3 H.P. at the most at say high RPM"s? Is it really worth the additional cost?
Not sure but I guess I will find out. My air filter is coming this week. BTW, how often does one need to clean the filter? I'm pretty sure it depends on how often you ride. Can this be answered by mileage?
I would think that you would have to visually check it every now and then. If you live on a dusty road or a dusty area,then you would check it/clean it maybe every 2 -3 weeks (If you ride every day). If you live in a area where there is little dust,,perhaps check it every 6 weeks. If it looks dirty,(Check it with a bright light behind the air filter),clean it.
4 to 6 H.P. is that all? With the whole 9 yards? HHMM seems hardly any advantage. However with the K+N filter/exhaust/ PCV or JB Pro,,,, is there any increase in mid-range torque over stock? L.P.
Now that to me is more important than H.P.! Any body ever take a stock 6R run it on a Dyno,got Torque figures, and compared the figures to a modded bike?
