how many years have you ridin for ?

About 33 years for me.
4 months :D - 6700 miles so far

Still alive and counting =)
Riding since late April of this year. I have 8700 on my 6R so far.
Got my license through the MSF course offered at my Air Force base back in 1995, but didn't buy my first bike, our beloved FZ6R, until this past April. I'm about to go outside and do my 8000 mile oil change.
.4 years for me (2-3 months).... newby here
I'd been looking at them my whole life and just never pulled the trigger. Then my buddy pulled up to work on a rebel 250... got me thinking, but I never cared for cruisers. Then within a year he pulled up on the FZ6R, within a month I had taken my msf course and bought the bike.
I'm at 4200 miles and have ridden in some of the worst conditions, the day I got the bike my wife dropped me off, I went to work, then when I headed home, it was pouring down rain and windy (and my rain gear was on order:eek:). I've since ridden in 40mph gust winds and heavy rain. I figure I might as well go all out and learn the bike. I've driven cages for 21 years and most of what applies for safe defensive driving in cages applies to the bike IMHO, just a new added sense that people really only care about what they are doing and could give a crap about others on the road.

this year on our trip [ gl1800 ] we rode at 12000 feet alt , 35 deg , sleet :confused:
7 months. 4000 miles. Not to bad with all the interferance that the job creates.
as for the gl1800 world . the 1800 came out in 01 . there are many with over 200.000 mi on them . now thats some seat time :eek:
2 1/2 months. 600 miles. never sat on a running bike until i rolled it off the trailer at my work. good decision
33 years here. Started at 11 yrs old on a Honda CT70 Trail minibike. :thumbup:
First bike was about 20 years ago but riding has been off and on. This is the 1st time using a bike as my primary transportation - so far so good.
I started really riding this past march. I've done a bit of dirt off and on over the years, but nothing truly serious.
