Help me pick a backpack!! Ogio Mach 1? MotoCentric?


Mistah T
Elite Member


I'm movin on
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New Member
A local is selling a cheap Mach 1 and I sent an email and thought GREAT!! My current Jansport has holes in the bottom that are only getting bigger, so I've been thinking about packs. But then I did some research and some say for the upright rider, the bottom of the hard pack digs into your back. I commute and frequent LONG rides and this makes me a little cautious.
Ogio No Drag Mach 1 Backpack - Street Motorcycle - Motorcycle Superstore

I've also been looking really hard at the MotoCentric Centrek.
MotoCentric Centrek Backpack - Street Motorcycle - Motorcycle Superstore

Is there a good pack I'm overlooking? Any suggestions? I do want a backpack, not a tank, tail, or saddle bags (otherwise I'd get a Kreiga 20). I've used them all and want a backpack. My only criteria is it needs to be under $100 and have a chest strap since breaking my collarbone has left my shoulder sensitive. I want something smaller, but I would like to be able to fit a pair of shoes, my lunch, and a book or two, so just a hydration pack is too small.

Another reason to go smaller is I plasti-dipped a seat cowl and my big current backpack rubbed a hole through the dip during my hour ride. Less important reason, but a plus to get a smaller pack.

Just bought one at walmart for 24 bucks :). It did this job pretty good. I will send you a picture later if you want.


New Member
I vote Kriega tailbag.

Best thing ive purchased for this bike was the Kriega US20. Never knew how much I hated wearing a backpack till I didnt have to anymore. My only complaint is I wish I had gone for the 30 liter. I fit a 16-17 inch laptop in it, my lunch, all my docs/wallet/phone, with room for an extra shirt or shoes on occasion. I commute ~45 miles a day.


New Member
I've got the Motocentric Centrek. I've been using it for close to a year.

On the positive side:
1- The quality is surprisingly good. I'd compare it to almost anything short of a Kriega. But it's a 30L, and half the cost of the Kriega 25L (I compared them when I bought the Moto).
2- Lots of space for a small looking pack. Multiple pockets -- comfortably holds my laptop, and lots of accessories. Also has a helmet sling that's well designed.
3- It's not a big bulky thing on your back, while riding. very aerodynamic, and doesn't flap around, or hang loosely.
4- It sits *flat* on the ground when you put it down. This is a big deal for me, because I take it with me to work, and meetings. I don't like having to prop a pack up against something, or lay it flat. The Moto stands up by itself...
4- It has simply held up very, very well.

On the negative side:
1- If you have a very large dome (read: big helmet), it might be a stretch, literally, to get the sling around it.


Mistah T
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While many people love the Ogio packs and a few people have had quality control issues with MotoCentric, I do think I like this the best out of all of them. When I get paid Friday, I think I might take a chance on the Centrek.

Turns out that the "local" said he was closer than he is, it would be almost an hour each direction to save a few bucks on the Ogio Mach 1.

I was also looking at the Icon Squad 3, but a few people said it felt like a life vest... I don't like that feel.

I read about a couple of 'discoloration' issues in the reviews at MCSS. Hasn't been my experience though. However, I don't ride in the rain. I can only speak for my own experience. I use the thing all the time -- not just riding, but I haul it around everywhere (it's my corporate 'briefcase' as well). I typically sling it over one shoulder when I'm walking, or carry it with the carry handle (another nice feature).

If there's anything I can tell you about it, let me know.


Mistah T
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