Got Rear Ended


New Member
ouch, that's pretty steep... =( when i got tapped and tipped over, my repairs were around $1200 i think- and most of it was all plastic! <lol> a turn signal here, a slider there, a peg here, a bar end there, slap on some super high labor charges, & before u know it, yah- it racks up really fast. plus the dealers always write up the repair with full msrp on parts & labor since they know they are going to try to milk the insurance company. in reality, the actual bill ought to be at least 75 or 80% of what they put down on paper... well, i hope that either they fix it or give you enough cash to buy another one. sucks, but each mishap is a lesson learned. hang in there man, and did they tell you when they're making a decision on the claim?


New Member
Should find out tomorrow. If they give me cash (say 5 k since thats ~ the used value of the bike) I am ok with that. I only paid 5k for it. So I break even, minus the sales tax (Which i get back) and ~ 200 bucks in dealer fees and registration.


New Member
Should find out tomorrow. If they give me cash (say 5 k since thats ~ the used value of the bike) I am ok with that. I only paid 5k for it. So I break even, minus the sales tax (Which i get back) and ~ 200 bucks in dealer fees and registration.

i'd be pissed at the fact that i'd have to restrain myself during the break in period of a new bike again!


that sucks.... looks like it can be fixed..... read some where they say to have your bike in gear at red lights with the clutch in.


New Member
that sucks.... looks like it can be fixed..... read some where they say to have your bike in gear at red lights with the clutch in.

Until the car or two behind me come to a stop, I never take it out of gear at a red light. AND, I'm always watching in my mirror as the car approaches, flashing my brake light as them come closer. I also split the traffic up to the front of the light every chance I get...not so much to be in front of traffic, but to not be vulnerable to being rear ended.


Super *********
Elite Member


New Member
Well insurance company is going to total the bike. Should find out tomorrow how much they are going to give me.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
Brother was riding a couple nights ago and was at a red light. A car bumped his tire and he was pushed forward a couple of inches and the car honked at him, pulled over to the next lane and took off while it was still red.

He didn't get a chance to get the tag.


New Member
Brother was riding a couple nights ago and was at a red light. A car bumped his tire and he was pushed forward a couple of inches and the car honked at him, pulled over to the next lane and took off while it was still red.

He didn't get a chance to get the tag.

I don't know if I would believe crap from your brother....the way he threw you down for that sure he didn't instigate something prior?


New Member
I don't know if I would believe crap from your brother....the way he threw you down for that sure he didn't instigate something prior?

Nah this is a different brother that I'm cool with. I have 3 older brothers, the bad, the good and the neutral.

This one was riding a Honda CBR F4i


New Member
Well going to actually make out and not incur any loss from the total loss. Insurance company valued the bike nicely.

With this new potential for a new bike I am looking into some other options other than the FZ6R. It was real, it was fun, but it wasnt really fun :).

Thanks for everything guys!
