FZ6R-FORUM.COM.... Build it and they will come



Everyone. I ( The mods. admins and I) have decided to build a new forum for the FZ6R that will still maintain some integration with this one.. Lately the board has become more of and FZ6R than a FZ6 Site. thats not a bad thing but I feel there is room for two sites dedicated to the bikes we love!

So... that being said.. I will be looking for mods and a helper admin for that site. (O-turn) you have the admin position if you want it.

I will also import all the FZ6R content to the new site and photos ect.... So that being said I have some work to do....

Any one that has a gift at graphics.. (I'm a coding guy not an artist lol) and you have an idea for a logo... Post it..... If we get a few we will vote on it.... This will take me a little time. I will set up a donatation link for anyone wishing to help out with the software Lic costs......:thumbup: More TBD...


New Member
Sounds good, I can donate a little bit maybe $25 or so.


Just donated to help defray the costs. Thanks Dennis. :thumbup:
Thanks... The grand total will be about 300USD for the software..... So all donations are greatly appreciated....


New Member
Done for $20 as that was the closest to $25 that was optioned.


sweet. the fz6r is a completely diff bike, just cuz it shared the samemoniker didnt make it the same imo.

good to see it get its own site....will keep every site unique. and unique is good.


EWW EWW ...PICK ME.....PICK ME....I want to be a moderator!!! :D :rockon:


Donated 20$ doing my part :) .. rather new.. but if there will be space for mods...glad to jump in


New Member
Can I be a mod :thumbup:


Staff member
I could possibly help moderate as well.

Donation sent and I would love to moderate if needed. :thumbup:
