Embedding Video


Active Member
It has come to my attention that some of you are having a hard time embedding a video into your thread or post and would like to. So, I've written the following just for you.... :D

Just paste the url in the box provided on here and it should embed itself.

If it does NOT, then here is a neat trick (ONLY FOR THOSE CAPABLE of understanding my explanation here ;) ) .... when you go back to edit your post or even before you post it... your link will look something like


or just

If you delete that silly nonsense between the "&feature=" and the "bracket" (this guy "]" ) and type in that space, player_embedded, it will work.

Or if it doesn't have the "&feature= ... just add it so it will look something like "http://ww.youtube.com/v=S1sdtbMPg&feature=player_embedded]

Do NOT use the "embed" feature on youtube or the "share" feature. They're stupid.

Please NOTE that This might be a hassle for most of you and not worth it, however, for others it might be beneficial or good to know which is why I'm sharing.

You're welcome.
Agreed. A lot of time it's no problem, but sometimes it is for some people. Just thought I'd do a write up just as a tip to help out. Of course it might be too much work but again, just a tip. :)
It's Dakine... LoL and you are welcome. :cool:
