CEL after block-off install?


New Member
I tried searching but couldn't find anything...

Anyways my CEL is on now after installing block off plates. The AIS wire is unplugged and zip tied to the other cables. I did unplug a few other cables near the air box to get access to the bolts but have since plugged them all back in. Also had the two plugs connected to the gas tank unplugged while working on the block off plates... Not really sure why the light is on :confused:

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
Hey just came across your question, months late I know but... does your bike have an 02 sensor? If not then something else likely got unplugged or the airbox isn't seated well or something similar to that. Also you can reset the system by unplugging the battery. That said, have you figured out what it was?
