Be careful out there in this heat!


Premium Member
Damn man sorry to hear that happened. But I am glad you are ok and thank god for the cops being their to scary him off.
It saddens me to hear stories like this, or to have it happen to me, but it doesn't shock me anymore. Like you have something to prove because you got passed by a lighter, faster, more manoverable vehicle. Would the guy flip the same way if you passed him in a Porsche, or a monster truck? People suck sometimes.
That sucks, but I fail to see what the heat has to do with it?

Tempers run higher during high heat because people are easily frustrated. Are we sure this is what cause this guy to do that? No. But it does make a lot of people more stressed and therefor more risk.
Sorry to hear...

Bad enough the texters, makeup mongers, and certifiably blind are out there, but when it's *intentional*... dayum...
Things like the above make me want to carry a pocket full of heavy nuts and bolts. Someone starts doing crap like that and take careful aim to smash a few windshields.

Let me say want, normally id just try to get away. pfcreed thats probably a good idea to ride armed, atleast carry a hammerless 380, could easily stash it in the handwarmer pockets of a jacket.
If the heat is going to effect anything with us on the road, it's with the tar snakes. I had my first taste of what its like hitting those when its hot out a few weeks ago. Damn near dumped my bike twice going less the 10 MPH making a turn over them.
This is why I want to carry a gun. Would you legally be able to shoot him if you have his intent to hit you with HIS deadly weapon on a camera?
Absolutely, he made more than one attempt to get away from the guy and he kept coming, I ride armed and I would have unholstered
As do I...

However, unless I went down as a result of his actions, and then he stopped and *continued* to personally pursue me, would I find that necessary (assuming I wasn't upright enough to kick the living shiite out of him first).


(Previous bike)
This is why I want to carry a gun. Would you legally be able to shoot him if you have his intent to hit you with HIS deadly weapon on a camera?

Brother thats one situation you do not want to get involved in. I'd guarantee you'd end up spending time in jail up until it went to court. Then you'd have to defend your actions in front of a jury while you have some prosecutor trying to pin a manslaughter charge on you. A lot depends on your states laws, but even with video evidence you'd probably get screwed.
Many times, with people like that, just drawing on them changes their attitude real quick and you could alert the authorities to their actions if you saw fit.
Many times, with people like that, just drawing on them changes their attitude real quick and you could alert the authorities to their actions if you saw fit.

The old saying goes don't ever draw your weapon unless you are willing to use it. Seriously If you draw your weapon first and he draws his and shoots you, what do you think his defense would be? What do you think the cops are going to do? (you pulled yours first) And again...most states you just can't be drawing down on people for no legitimate reason...LOL.

And don't get me wrong, I'm the most pro gun rights person there is, but I highly suggest people learn the gun laws and rights before you start carrying. It's very easy to get yourself jammed up. Hell just look at the Zimmerman / Tayvon case.
glad you're ok man. sorry to hear about something like this...

personally, i don't think carrying a fire arm is the answer. if u encounter a-holes like this, just try to get behind them, and pull over if u have to. and, let them keep going. it'll give you some time to cool off, and allow them to go on their way. not worth getting into a confrontation, imo. not worth escalating the situation either. u can't possible shoot all of the a-holes on the road- not to mention the very high risks of collateral damage to innocent by-standers.

escaping and diffusing any type of confrontation on the road is always the best solution, always, if possible.
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Good to here that nothing 'worse' happened to you - I think you handled it well. I do like Detrich's advice to get behind him (with a GoPro if possible!), turn off or avoid completely in any way. We have our fair share of idiots here in LaLa land and I just have to shake my head when I see how many fools are on the road (LA freeway car chases are almost a daily feature on KCAL9.....). No way to go head-to-head with them all....
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This is why I want to carry a gun. Would you legally be able to shoot him if you have his intent to hit you with HIS deadly weapon on a camera?

It really depends on where you live, your state or local laws and If you can prove it. Here in Georgia we have a law that is called the "stand your ground law" it has a fancy Latin name but I can't remember it, but basically it says that if you have a reasonable threat on your life you are justified to use deadly force.

Here's a clip from Georgia packing, a Georgia firearms support group.

Deadly Force

There are 3 code sections that govern when lethal or deadly force may lawfully be used.

Defense from a forcible felony; A person is justified in using threats or force to the degree they reasonably believe it is necessary to stop another person's imminent use of unlawful force. A person is justified in using deadly force which may harm or kill only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony (unless it is regarding defense of habitation, which has it's own requirements below). You are not justified if you were the aggressor or you are/were/on-the-way-to committing a felony. (The state has pre-empted local cities and counties from further restricting this defense.)(16-3-21)

Defense of habitation; (here habitation means dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business) A person is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if:

A person is breaking\has broken into your home in a violent and tumultuous manner, and you think that the intruder is going to assault you or someone else living there.
A person who is not a member of the family or household and who unlawfully and forcibly enters the residence and you know it is an unlawful entry.
The person using such force reasonably believes that the entry is made or attempted for the purpose of committing a felony therein and that such force is necessary to prevent the commission of the felony.
Defense of property other than habitation; Lethal force cannot be used to protect real property unless the person using such force reasonably believes that it is necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.(16-3-24)

(Stand Your Ground/Shoot First/License To Murder - went into effect July 1st, 2006) If you have determined you need to use lethal force (as stated in one of the underlined "Defense" sections immediately above) you do not have to try to retreat before using that force. If your defense is valid, you are immune from criminal prosecution (unless it is illegal to carry that weapon where you used it) and civil liability actions.(16-3-23.1, 16-3-24.2, 51-11-9)

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