Anyone know anything about.......


New Member
The Yamaha Gericke Fusion Textile Motorcycle Jacket??

I have looked it up online but can't find anything on it really......someone I know has a blue one that looks pretty much brand new and he told me $75 I could have it......don't know much about it though and can't find anything.
Hmmm this thing is gonna be harder to find info on than I thought I guess........
I had a Hein Gericke leather jacket. They made good stuff about 20 years ago, for what that's worth.

If you don't already have a jacket, I'd suggest you shop around and figure out what you really want in terms of protection, waterproofing, temp range, venting, fit, style. Then decide if the jacket your friend is selling fits the bill. The price is good, but if it's not really what you need, it's $75 too much.
Buy it, try it, and if you don't like it Craigslist it.
