Anyone have their bike repoed?

Back in May all of my debts were discharged under Chap. 7. In it I had declared that I would like to reaffirm the loan on my bike. For several weeks I hadn't heard anything from Chase(Yamaha Card) about this. I called them, and was told that the debt had been sold to The Bureaus. I spoke with someone from there about the loan, and was put on hold. I was at lunch during work, and had to hang up when my break was over. I didn't hear back from them for several more weeks when I called and left a message after hours. Soon afterwards I receive a call from some other company in Miami stating they were "handling" the debt. I asked them to verify the debt by mailing me. I verified my address with them, but haven't received anything in the mail. This was over two months ago. I'm at the point where I'm going to see if I can get a new title under adverse possession laws.

Anyone have any experience with this, or tips on what I should do? I live in Washington.
