Any problems lifting fuel tank



On a full tank of gas? The Owners manual didn't mention any problems but I wanted to check here first before doing it.
If it was me,I would go for a nice day ride to use up some of that fuel before lifting the tank. I have lifed the tank with fuel in it with no problems.

I did it about 3/4 full with no problems.

To avoid removing the inner cowling, I removed the two front bolts and then the rear bolt, slid the tank back until it cleard the inner fairings, re-inserted the rear bolt and then used bungees from the two front bolt mounts back to the handrails on the seat.

Check to make sure none of the fuel lines come loose and be sure to avoid pinching them when you put the tank back down.
If you lift the tank when it is full of fuel, it will piss fuel out the overflow and onto the floor of your garage.

Then your house will smell like gasoline for a week.

DAMHIKIJK (Don't Ask Me How I Know. I Just Know)
sorry I just noticed this is in the wrong forum, if any mods see this can they move this thread to the FZ6 technical forum.
I did mine on a full tank I only had about 10 miles on it haah! Simple stuff though, just make sure you re-adjust the vent hoses on the outside

I just put a file folder clip on the vent hoses before I lift it up all the way. Then, I'll only get a tiny little dribble out after I'm done and take them back off.
