Advanced MSF course?


New Member
Anyone take the advanced MSF course? I was thinking about taking it this Spring since I'm still a rather inexperienced rider.

If anyone has any opinions one way or the other on this class, please let me know.

This is the only class description:

Advanced Rider Training

In this advanced course, students learn further safety skills in both a classroom and range situation. Students must possess a valid motorcycle license and provide their own motorcycle and equipment, proof of registration, and insurance.
I personally know riders with 20+ years of experience on both street and dirt, who took the course, learned something, and recommended it to me. The question is how soon after the basic course. I would recommend that you are thoroughly comfortable with your bike at all speeds. (One instructor likes to ask his prospects to do the figure eight, lock to lock, on command.) FWIW
im in the military the require the initial msf coarse (free)

you can also take the advance as well which im going to schedule in the spring (free)
I've taken the Experience riders course, don't know if it is the same thing, but it was basicaly the same as the beginners course! They just stress throttle control more! It was also only one day! It is still good though, alot of the stuff they went over I had forgotten or made me realize I had picked up bad habits! Worth the time!
I had taken an advanced course, but it wasn't for MSF! It was taught by California Super Bikes! They flew to our post and gave a course! It basically just taught you the basics on taking corners at higher speeds! Definately the best course I have had!
I took it and learned lots. I was required to have 1 year of riding and over 1000 km's in before taking the course.
Sounds like I should wait a bit then and save the $90 for now and put it towards some pants.

I still haven't even been in "traffic" yet, just 2 lane country roads.

Just let me know when your ready! It's getting time for some nice weekend rides.
"Traffic" sucks, getting stuck on rt7 every morning and every evening just plain sucks (the bike wants to GO!). Not to mention the idiots who try to cross 3 lanes without looking, had that happen a couple times, but I'm keeping an eye on them.

I'm really hoping for some nice warmer weekends in the next month or so. We'll definitely have to hook up at some point.

I see a guy a few times a week passing me on Rt. 7. He seems to ride almost every day. He was out this morning even despite the threat of sleeting rain and icy roads at 5:30. He rides what looks like an old dirty red Honda CBR or something similar with WV tags. Always weaving in traffic and riding bumpers and doing about 65-75 in 45-55mph zones. He's either very confident in his abilities or is quite a risk taker.

I can see how riding faster than the pace of traffic can be safer in one sense though. At least other cars won't tailgate you and will be less likely to change 3 lanes into you on 7. There would be much less to worry about behind you.

The same could be said for a car on the beltway. Much better to go with or slightly above the flow of traffic to keep from having a CF behind/around you and creating a more dangerous situation.
