About to buy my first bike, a FZ6r!


New Member
So I'm going to be buying my first motorcycle ever very soon, and it's going to be a FZ6R:D. I couldn't be more excited. I found the bike on craigslist for $4500. It's a 2011 Blue scheme with 5,500 miles. The bike does have a few minor scratches from general road wear, but I'm not super concerned about it as it will get a few scratches from me as well. With that in mind, is that a good price for a bike that runs well.

And for those of you that have gone through the process of buying a used bike, please give me any bit of advice you have from your experiences. I want know what to look for as much as possible.

Before I purchase the bike I will be getting all the safety equipment (Helmet, Jacket, Gloves, Pants, and Boots). And I'll also be enrolling for the MSF course as soon as I can.

Thank you all for your time and any advice you could give.

I'm sorry if this thread is on the wrong forum, I wasn't sure which one to put it on. Please feel free to move it if needed.
I've never bought a used bike, but I would check the tires, brakes, visible lines/hoses, clutch/brake levers, chain, dash, basic visuals. If you are not licensed or comfortable riding the bike you should have someone you trust ride the bike to check the general operation of the engine, transmission. As far as the price goes I think your getting a good deal. I bought a leftover 2011 this past April for $6500. I would definitely have someone that knows something about bikes go with you if you aren't sure. Good luck, it's a great bike.

Quite honestly there are a lot of things to look for.

1. Are the mirrors scrapped, cracked, broken in anyway.
2. Is there any markings on the motor (the black metal that protrudes from the sides of the bike)This would be a sign the bike has been dropped or in a accident.
3. Are the fairings cracked or broken screws missing or rivets. (rivets are the little black circular place holders)
4.I would find out what maintenance has been done on the bike and have them provide documentation if possible.
5.Tires make sure they have plenty of tread life on them if not that a minimum of a 300 dollar expense.
6. Just look at everything closely if something looks out of shape or doesn't sound right hold off on purchase and ask some questions unless you gonna lose a good deal then you have to weigh the risk to reward.
7. Have someone that can ride test drive it or have them ride it in front of you make sure it shifts through all the gears and brakes correctly check handle bar alignment make sure nothing is bent or out of wack.

Some of these can be repaired easily and you can haggle the price down. If the bike was dropped i would take it to consideration of paying (65 dollars here in california ) to have the bike looked over at a Motorcycle shop.

As far as buying a used bike the price of used is high right now so 4500 for a bike with only 5500 miles isnt to shabby i paid almost 7000 for mine new.
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Lift up the turn signals and look at the bottoms. If they are pristine the bike hasn't been dropped. (not that a simple drop matters much).

Test the owner. The bike should be cold when you first see it (hasn't been ridden). Tell the owner to start it. Then tell him to rev it. You should NEVER high rev a cold engine. People do all the time with motorcycles and if they are willing to do that in front of a buyer I wouldn't buy from them.

That said, a bike with a clean title at 5400 miles is most likely just fine. I could tell you a million things to look for on older bikes but newer ones, you should be safe.

Also, I'm sure you have talked to the seller on the phone. When you meet him, ask him a ton of questions including everything you talked about on the phone. If any little detail changes, call him out on it.

Do everything you can to nit-pick the bike then offer about 3700. He will say no. If someone was asking 4500, I wouldn't go more than 4100. That is less than %10 off the starting point. When he says no, just say I guess I'm buying the yellow one and start to leave. He should come running. If not, it's never too late to pay the 4500 if you just have to have it.

Good luck.
Found it haha

Yamaha 2011 FZ6R

It has a tinted screen on. Find out what happened to the stock one or if he still has it. If it broke in an accident he will pour out lies.

Seems like an incredible deal for a 2011. Like I said above, if his story changes at all during any communication with him, id be concerned.

A lot of times with really good deals like this, you get there and the seller says "oh and there's one more little thing I forgot to tell ya"

But you never know, you may get super lucky like I did with my recent car purchase
Sounds like a good deal, I paid 4500 for an 09 with little over 2k miles mint condition. One thing to check that hasn't been mentioned is tires. If its still on its stock set it prolly coming to the point to need replaced, use that to haggle price and also ask for maintenance records. Although the price is pretty low.

Good for You

Congratulations, and welcome to the madness of MC ownership. By the looks of the bike it is a 2009 (just look at the title to verify). I'm guessing he bought a leftover 2009 model in 2011. Not uncommon.

Here's a suggestion. Assuming you are ok with Blue 2009 (2009-2012 basically all the same other than color). Tell him if he will pop for the $65 to have a Yamaha dealer ckeck it out you will pay him the $4,500 (asuming the dealer gives the bike a green light). If the dealer notes any problems you can negetotiate from there

It's a fair price, good luck
