A night of firsts.


New Member
In case I hadn't yet revealed this, I'm a police officer. I just got off work at 0300 and was on my way home when I spotted a young woman walking along the side of the road. Now, the way home from my job crosses a section of ramps leading towards various locales. Seeing as how she is walking at 3 in the morning by herself, I pulled over to see where she was going and identified myself so that she wouldn't be nervous. Sure enough, she was headed up the windy hill that I love to practice on and it was particularly dark in PA at this time. I asked her if she would prefer a ride up the hill as opposed to walking along the narrow road side in the dark. She eagerly took my offer. After I took a quick glance through her stuff to make sure she wasn't a junkie that would stick me in the neck with a syringe, I gave her my helmet (my only helmet) and told her to hop on. This was my first time riding without my helmet, first time riding with a passenger, and first time I had ever been able to actually stop and help out a a young lady who had a long walk to take. The hill I rode her up is probably 1.75-2.25 miles at several different grades and has about 11 turns, most of which are blind. We made a safe trip up to the top of the hill, where I let her off and she continued on her way to work. I'm pretty sure I did the right thing, despite the added risk of me not wearing a helmet (which I'll never do again if I can help it). Thoughts anyone?
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Thoughts.........oh, a few........as a retired firefighter we had an early morning call involving a young girl who ended up needing a ride home.......but no motorcycle then, just the Truck Co........... But, how can you fault a good deed? Just be careful, you knew the road, couldn't have been too busy, where was she goin? Was there a happy ending.............just kidding!
She was heading to work. The road was absolutely dead at the time, but who knows what could have come up behind during the much longer amount of time if she had walked it. I took it very slow too and tried to lean as little as possible. Next time I have a passenger, I'll have to firm up the suspension settings. Setting 5 just didn't feel adequate. As for a happy ending, we didn't fall and she got where she was going probably 45 minutes earlier. I'm happily engaged right now, so it was happy enough for me.
I assume she will be making the same hike to work tomorrow morning as well? Maybe suggest a bicycle for her and a CCW?
WOW, you're a lot nicer than I am! I would NEVER pick somebody up on my bike! She must've been a looker... ;)
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never pick someone up on my bike.. ever.. well, unless she looks like someone on maxims hot 100 list and dressed in very scantily clad clothing :D
You did the right thing. This world needs more people doing the right thing like you did. So many people are afraid of the off chance they may get attacked but not everyone out there is bad. Sometimes people end up in a bad spot and need some help.
If there appears no threat as it did here I would stop and ask if needed ride as I normally would if it appeared someone needed help. Too many people are afraid to help others (sometimes justified) or just don't want to stop that extra couple minutes to ask (not everyone on the planet has a cell phone and just might need to use yours being all the help they need).
helping someone in need is one thing, but unless I am reading this wrong I got the feeling there was no need for help, it just saved her a walk...

personally I am not afraid to help people when in need of help, I just went down the beach for the weekend and I pulled out 1 stuck 2wd Ford Ranger with bald tires, and another stuck 2wd LIFTED on 44" tires Tayota truck.. Really 2wd and lifted that tall haha!!

Then there was a Audi A4 quatro that was doing donuts in the sand and hit a rut and but the axle and then the car fell to the ground it messed up the radiator and couldn't hold any water.. I offered help, a tow, a cell phone everything I could think of and he wanted nothing to do with me, nor did he want to notify anyone, he just left the car and walked away poor bastard and the tide was coming in. I had to leave so I seen a beach patrol and notified them but who knows what happened...

Again like I said, it they are in need of help I have no problem helping them, but I wouldn't stop a stranger and ask them if they want help when they clearly are not in need.
Just some questions that went through my head...
-What would have happened if you did find dope or a gun in her bag?
-What would have happened if you crashed?
-What if she goes in a files a complaint to your department or make other allegations, whether it be frivolous or not?
-What are you gonna do if you see her walking down the road the next time you ride through there?
Not to mention, riding without a helmet...I would like to trust people more, but as a cop, how many people ACTUALLY tell you the truth on a daily basis?! This is just my two-cents worth of experience working in California...:)
If I would have found something suspicious, I would have detained her and called the correct locality's police and let them arrest her. As I said, I took it very slow and it was 3am. She had a good chance of getting hit by a car on that road if I hadn't picked her up.
I was military police and DOD police for awhile and yes you get bit jaded but you also usually have a pretty good feel for people. One thing that sets (most) cops apart is that the reason they do the job is to help people (though I've known some that were all about playing badass but that's not the majority).
Interesting tidbit out of the news in Spokane, WA:

"The escaped killer walked to the Goldendale-Bickleton road about 22 miles east of Goldendale shortly after 4 p.m. to try to hitch a ride..." EXACTLY why I don't pick up hitchhikers...unless they're hot females ;)

(The full story is here.)
You did a nice thing. If the idea didn't make you feel uncomfortable at the time, then it was the right thing to do. There were a lot of "what if's", but all in all, your first instinct is usually the right one. Don't ever be afraind to do something nice for someone. It pays for itself in the end.

Double :thumbup::thumbup: for you. I can remember one of my Dad's lesson so clearly through my life (he past away when I was 10, I'm 40 now).
Treat the people around you the way you want to be treated.
If everybody will do that, the world will be a better place.

Unfortunately I had to learn that you can't do it all the time. Earlier years I used to pick-up the army guys hitch-hiking. Usually they just fall asleep until we reached our destination - LoL.

I changed my mind on the whole thing when I picked up a stray yellow Labrador in a busy parking lot. I went to the pet shop and liquor store and gave my name and a description of the dog. I phoned the local animal rescue (SPCA) and gave all my- and the dog's details. It turned out to be the dog of the second hand car dealer in the next block. He got my vehicle registration from somebody and got my home address from police buddies and arrived at my house. He jumped my fence and start hitting me when I opened the door without listening to me - he just rant on I've stolen his dog. Made a case which was thrown out even before getting to court because it was my word against his. I had a grudge against him for years but thought if I act on it, it will take me to his lower level. I don't help as much as I used to after that...

Then, in South Africa, it is common that bad asses will fake a break down and will high-jack the guy trying to help them. Picking up hitch-hikers is a big no no. What they do is the lady hitch-hikes and her gorilla boyfriend hides in the bushes...high-jack...

If it turns out good, you feel good and that is very good for you!
