A call too close


New Member
So I'm on my way to work and traffic is congested but flowing on the freeway. I'm splitting lanes and come up to this Camry and notice the lady in her mirror talking on her phone (on speaker if that matters) I wait for her to notice me then I start to pass. I get to her window look at her and she still has her phone in her hand but toward the shifter as if she’s trying to hide it. I continue to pass while basically riding on the line and hear this thump (like you hear when you snag the bumper on a bump stop) then FEEL HER CAR TOUCH MY FOOT! I felt my rear get a little push but nothing severe and my foot peg come up a bit then she jerked the other way and slowed down like crazy. I was in total shock of the blatant disregard and turned around basically giving her a “WTF?!” she looked surprised and kept her distance. I quickly checked for any damage on my end but saw nothing nor did I notice anything on her car. I didn’t see her attempt to try to pull over so I just continued on my way. I record every time I ride but at some point my camera died so I gotta check when I get home.


New Member

glad you didn't get hurt! that sounds so scary. sounds like she was too distracted by her phone. maybe you got footage of her plates and can report her?

If I notice someone on their phone I just give them a bigger space cushion than usual because they more than likely will do something stupid


New Member
Well unfortunately my camera died in about 30 seconds.

Lesson 1. Charge camera nightly

Lesson 2. In retrospect I realize I should have pulled over regardless, to cover my ***.


New Member
First ticket for cell phone use in car should be 1 month suspension of license. To easy to hurt or kill someone while not paying attention to your driving.


New Member
first ticket for cell phone use in car should be 1 month suspension of license. To easy to hurt or kill someone while not paying attention to your driving.
+1 .


New Member
First ticket for cell phone use in car should be 1 month suspension of license. To easy to hurt or kill someone while not paying attention to your driving.
Yeah IMO they're too lenient for that IF they even enforce it. It's like what $75 first offense + court fees? red light tickets are ~$300. but littering and crossing the HOV lines are +500:wtfgun:
